Index F
Faà di Bruno’s formula
Fabry’s transformation
factorials (rising or falling)
Faddeeva (or Faddeyeva) function
fast Fourier transform
Favard’s theorem
Fay’s trisecant identity
Riemann theta functions with characteristics
Fejér kernel
Fermat numbers
Fermat’s last theorem
Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials
Fermi–Dirac integrals
Ferrers board
Ferrers function
of the first kind
integral equation for Lamé functions
Ferrers functions
Ferrers graph
Feynman diagrams
Feynman path integrals
Fibonacci numbers §24.15(iv), §26.11
fine structure constant
finite Fourier series
fixed point
floating-point arithmetic
Floquet solutions
Floquet’s theorem
fluid dynamics
fold canonical integral §36.2(i), §36.7(i)
fold catastrophe §36.2(i), §36.7(i)
formally self adjoint linear operator
formally self-adjoint differential operators
formally self-adjoint operators
Fourier cosine and sine transforms
Fourier eigenfunction expansion
Fourier integral
Fourier series
Fourier transform
Fourier-series expansions
Fourier–Bessel expansion
fractional derivatives
fractional integrals
fractional linear transformation, see bilinear transformation.
Fresnel integrals
Freud weight
Freud weight function
Frobenius’ identity
Riemann theta functions with characteristics
Fuchsian equation
functions of matrix argument
fundamental theorem of arithmetic
fundamental theorem of calculus