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36 Integrals with Coalescing SaddlesProperties

§36.4 Bifurcation Sets

  1. §36.4(i) Formulas
  2. §36.4(ii) Visualizations

§36.4(i) Formulas

Critical Points for Cuspoids

These are real solutions tj(𝐱), 1jjmax(𝐱)K+1, of

36.4.1 tΦK(tj(𝐱);𝐱)=0.

Critical Points for Umbilics

These are real solutions {sj(𝐱),tj(𝐱)}, 1jjmax(𝐱)4, of

36.4.2 sΦ(U)(sj(𝐱),tj(𝐱);𝐱) =0,
tΦ(U)(sj(𝐱),tj(𝐱);𝐱) =0.

Bifurcation (Catastrophe) Set for Cuspoids

This is the codimension-one surface in 𝐱 space where critical points coalesce, satisfying (36.4.1) and

36.4.3 2t2ΦK(t;𝐱)=0.

Bifurcation (Catastrophe) Set for Umbilics

This is the codimension-one surface in 𝐱 space where critical points coalesce, satisfying (36.4.2) and

36.4.4 2s2Φ(U)(s,t;𝐱)2t2Φ(U)(s,t;𝐱)(2stΦ(U)(s,t;𝐱))2=0.

Special Cases

K=1, fold bifurcation set:

36.4.5 x=0.

K=2, cusp bifurcation set:

36.4.6 27x2=8y3.

K=3, swallowtail bifurcation set:

36.4.7 x =3t2(z+5t2),
y =t(3z+10t2),

Swallowtail self-intersection line:

36.4.8 y =0,
z 0,
x =920z2.

Swallowtail cusp lines (ribs):

36.4.9 z 0,
x =320z2,
10y2 =4z3.

Elliptic umbilic bifurcation set (codimension three): for fixed z, the section of the bifurcation set is a three-cusped astroid

36.4.10 x =13z2(cos(2ϕ)2cosϕ),
y =13z2(sin(2ϕ)2sinϕ),

Elliptic umbilic cusp lines (ribs):

36.4.11 x+iy=z2exp(23iπm),

Hyperbolic umbilic bifurcation set (codimension three):

36.4.12 x =112z2(exp(2τ)±2exp(τ)),
y =112z2(exp(2τ)±2exp(τ)),

The + sign labels the cusped sheet; the sign labels the sheet that is smooth for z0 (see Figure 36.4.4).

Hyperbolic umbilic cusp line (rib):

36.4.13 x=y=14z2.

For derivations of the results in this subsection see Poston and Stewart (1978, Chapter 9).

§36.4(ii) Visualizations

See accompanying text
Figure 36.4.1: Bifurcation set of cusp catastrophe. Magnify
See accompanying text
Figure 36.4.2: Bifurcation set of swallowtail catastrophe. Magnify
See accompanying text
Figure 36.4.3: Bifurcation set of elliptic umbilic catastrophe. Magnify
See accompanying text
Figure 36.4.4: Bifurcation set of hyperbolic umbilic catastrophe. Magnify