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Jacobi original notation


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1: 20.1 Special Notation
Jacobi’s original notation: Θ ( z | τ ) , Θ 1 ( z | τ ) , H ( z | τ ) , H 1 ( z | τ ) , respectively, for θ 4 ( u | τ ) , θ 3 ( u | τ ) , θ 1 ( u | τ ) , θ 2 ( u | τ ) , where u = z / θ 3 2 ( 0 | τ ) . …
2: 18.27 q -Hahn Class
§18.27(iii) Big q -Jacobi Polynomials
Alternative definitions and notations are …
From Big q -Jacobi to Jacobi
From Big q -Jacobi to Little q -Jacobi
From Little q -Jacobi to Jacobi
3: Errata
  • Subsection 1.2(i)

    A sentence was added after (1.2.1) to refer to (1.2.6) as the definition of the binomial coefficient ( z k ) when z is complex. As a notational clarification, wherever n appeared originally in (1.2.6)–(1.2.9), it was replaced by z .

  • Table 22.4.3

    Originally a minus sign was missing in the entries for cd u and dc u in the second column (headed z + K + i K ). The correct entries are k 1 ns z and k sn z . Note: These entries appear online but not in the published print edition. More specifically, Table 22.4.3 in the published print edition is restricted to the three Jacobian elliptic functions sn , cn , dn , whereas Table 22.4.3 covers all 12 Jacobian elliptic functions.

    z + K z + K + i K z + i K z + 2 K z + 2 K + 2 i K z + 2 i K
    cd u sn z k 1 ns z k 1 dc z cd z cd z cd z
    dc u ns z k sn z k cd z dc z dc z dc z

    Reported 2014-02-28 by Svante Janson.

  • Equation (22.6.7)
    22.6.7 dn ( 2 z , k ) = dn 2 ( z , k ) k 2 sn 2 ( z , k ) cn 2 ( z , k ) 1 k 2 sn 4 ( z , k ) = dn 4 ( z , k ) + k 2 k 2 sn 4 ( z , k ) 1 k 2 sn 4 ( z , k )

    Originally the term k 2 sn 2 ( z , k ) cn 2 ( z , k ) was given incorrectly as k 2 sn 2 ( z , k ) dn 2 ( z , k ) .

    Reported 2014-02-28 by Svante Janson.

  • Table 22.5.4

    Originally the limiting form for sc ( z , k ) in the last line of this table was incorrect ( cosh z , instead of sinh z ).

    sn ( z , k ) tanh z cd ( z , k ) 1 dc ( z , k ) 1 ns ( z , k ) coth z
    cn ( z , k ) sech z sd ( z , k ) sinh z nc ( z , k ) cosh z ds ( z , k ) csch z
    dn ( z , k ) sech z nd ( z , k ) cosh z sc ( z , k ) sinh z cs ( z , k ) csch z

    Reported 2010-11-23.

  • Equation (22.16.14)
    22.16.14 ( x , k ) = 0 sn ( x , k ) 1 k 2 t 2 1 t 2 d t

    Originally this equation appeared with the upper limit of integration as x , rather than sn ( x , k ) .

    Reported 2010-07-08 by Charles Karney.

  • 4: 22.9 Cyclic Identities
    §22.9(i) Notation
    The following notation is a generalization of that of Khare and Sukhatme (2002). … The argument z is suppressed in the above notation, as all cyclic identities are independent of z . …
    22.9.7 κ = dn ( 2 K ( k ) / 3 , k ) ,
    5: 22.4 Periods, Poles, and Zeros
    §22.4(ii) Graphical Interpretation via Glaisher’s Notation
    Using the p,q notation of (22.2.10), Figure 22.4.2 serves as a mnemonic for the poles, zeros, periods, and half-periods of the 12 Jacobian elliptic functions as follows. …Then: (a) In any lattice unit cell p q ( z , k ) has a simple zero at z = p and a simple pole at z = q . (b) The difference between p and the nearest q is a half-period of p q ( z , k ) . … For example, sn ( z + K , k ) = cd ( z , k ) . …
    6: Bibliography J
  • C. G. J. Jacobi (1829) Fundamenta Nova Theoriae Functionum Ellipticarum. Regiomonti, Sumptibus fratrum Bornträger.
  • E. Jahnke and F. Emde (1945) Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves. 4th edition, Dover Publications, New York.
  • J. K. M. Jansen (1977) Simple-periodic and Non-periodic Lamé Functions. Mathematical Centre Tracts, No. 72, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.
  • H. Jeffreys and B. S. Jeffreys (1956) Methods of Mathematical Physics. 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • C. Jordan (1939) Calculus of Finite Differences. Hungarian Agent Eggenberger Book-Shop, Budapest.
  • 7: Bibliography
  • M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun (Eds.) (1964) Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..
  • V. I. Arnold (1997) Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 60, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • F. M. Arscott (1964b) Periodic Differential Equations. An Introduction to Mathieu, Lamé, and Allied Functions. International Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 66, Pergamon Press, The Macmillan Co., New York.
  • R. Askey and J. Fitch (1969) Integral representations for Jacobi polynomials and some applications. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 26 (2), pp. 411–437.
  • R. Askey and B. Razban (1972) An integral for Jacobi polynomials. Simon Stevin 46, pp. 165–169.
  • 8: 19.25 Relations to Other Functions
    For the notation see §§22.2, 22.15, and 22.16(i). … If cs 2 ( u , k ) 0 , then where we assume 0 x 2 1 if x = sn , cn , or cd ; x 2 1 if x = ns , nc , or dc ; x real if x = cs or sc ; k x 1 if x = dn ; 1 x 1 / k if x = nd ; x 2 k 2 if x = ds ; 0 x 2 1 / k 2 if x = sd . … For the notation see §23.2 and §23.3. …
    9: 18.9 Recurrence Relations and Derivatives
    The notation of §18.2(iv) will be used. … For p n ( x ) = P n ( α , β ) ( x ) , … For p n ( x ) = P n ( α , β ) ( x ) , …
    10: Bibliography F
  • J. Faraut and A. Korányi (1994) Analysis on Symmetric Cones. Oxford Mathematical Monographs, The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York.
  • V. Fock (1945) Diffraction of radio waves around the earth’s surface. Acad. Sci. USSR. J. Phys. 9, pp. 255–266.
  • W. B. Ford (1960) Studies on Divergent Series and Summability & The Asymptotic Developments of Functions Defined by Maclaurin Series. Chelsea Publishing Co., New York.
  • T. Fort (1948) Finite Differences and Difference Equations in the Real Domain. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • C. L. Frenzen and R. Wong (1985b) A uniform asymptotic expansion of the Jacobi polynomials with error bounds. Canad. J. Math. 37 (5), pp. 979–1007.