About the Project

Notations M

m e
mass of electron; §18.39(ii)
M ( n )
Motzkin number; (26.6.2)
𝖬 ( x )
Mills’ ratio; (7.8.1)
M ( z )
Airy modulus function; (9.8.3)
κ , μ = M κ , μ ( z ) / Γ ( 1 + 2 μ )
notation used by Buchholz (1969); §13.1
(with Γ(z): gamma function and Mκ,μ(z): Whittaker confluent hypergeometric function)
M κ , μ ( z )
Whittaker confluent hypergeometric function; (13.14.2)
M ν ( x )
modulus of Bessel functions; (10.18.1)
𝐌 ν ( z )
modified Struve function; (11.2.6)
M ( a , g )
arithmetic-geometric mean; §19.8(i)
( f ) ( s )
Mellin transform; (1.14.32)
M ( η , ρ )
envelope of Coulomb functions; (33.3.1)
M ν ( j ) ( z , h )
modified Mathieu function; §28.20(iii)
M ( a , b , z )
=F11(a;b;z) Kummer confluent hypergeometric function; (13.2.2)
𝐌 ( a , b , z )
Olver’s confluent hypergeometric function; (13.2.3)
M n ( x ; β , c )
Meixner polynomial; Table 18.19.1
major index; §26.14(i)
Mc n ( j ) ( z , h )
radial Mathieu function; (28.20.15)
me n ( z , q )
Mathieu function; §28.12(ii)
me ν ( z , q )
Mathieu function of noninteger order; §28.12(ii)
Me ν ( z , q )
modified Mathieu function; (28.20.5)
Me n ( 1 , 2 ) ( z , q ) = 1 2 π g e , n ( h ) ce n ( 0 , q ) Mc n ( 3 , 4 ) ( z , h )
notation used by Arscott (1964b), McLachlan (1947); §28.1
(with cen(z,q): Mathieu function, π: the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and Mcn(j)(z,h): radial Mathieu function)
modulo; Common Notations and Definitions
Ms n ( j ) ( z , h )
radial Mathieu function; (28.20.16)
μ ( n )
Möbius function; (27.2.12)