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1: 27.2 Functions
Table 27.2.1: Primes.
n p n p n + 10 p n + 20 p n + 30 p n + 40 p n + 50 p n + 60 p n + 70 p n + 80 p n + 90
5 11 47 97 149 197 257 313 379 439 499
Table 27.2.2: Functions related to division.
n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n )
3 2 2 4 16 8 5 31 29 28 2 30 42 12 8 96
4 2 3 7 17 16 2 18 30 8 8 72 43 42 2 44
6 2 4 12 19 18 2 20 32 16 6 63 45 24 6 78
11 10 2 12 24 8 8 60 37 36 2 38 50 20 6 93
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    p ( 𝒟 , n ) p ( 𝒟 2 , n ) p ( 𝒟 2 , T , n ) p ( 𝒟 3 , n )
    11 12 7 4 5
    16 32 17 11 10
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