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1: Publications
  • B. V. Saunders and Q. Wang (2005) Boundary/Contour Fitted Grid Generation for Effective Visualizations in a Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, San Jose, June 11–18, 2005. pp. 61–71. PDF
  • Q. Wang and B. V. Saunders (2005) Web-Based 3D Visualization in a Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, Proceedings of the Web3D Symposium, Bangor, UK, March 29–April 1, 2005. PDF
  • A. Youssef (2007) Methods of Relevance Ranking and Hit-content Generation in Math Search, Proceedings of Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM2007), RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, June 27–30, 2007. PDF
  • B. I. Schneider, B. R. Miller and B. V. Saunders (2018) NIST’s Digital Library of Mathematial Functions, Physics Today 71, 2, 48 (2018), pp. 48–53. PDF
  • 2: DLMF Project News
    error generating summary
    3: Antony Ross Barnett
     2018) was Senior Research Fellow in the Mathematics Department, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. …
    4: Bibliography N
  • G. Nemes (2018) Error bounds for the large-argument asymptotic expansions of the Lommel and allied functions. Stud. Appl. Math. 140 (4), pp. 508–541.
  • E. Neuman (1969a) Elliptic integrals of the second and third kinds. Zastos. Mat. 11, pp. 99–102.
  • E. Neuman (1969b) On the calculation of elliptic integrals of the second and third kinds. Zastos. Mat. 11, pp. 91–94.
  • C. J. Noble and I. J. Thompson (1984) COULN, a program for evaluating negative energy Coulomb functions. Comput. Phys. Comm. 33 (4), pp. 413–419.
  • V. Yu. Novokshënov (1985) The asymptotic behavior of the general real solution of the third Painlevé equation. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 283 (5), pp. 1161–1165 (Russian).
  • 5: Bibliography K
  • E. L. Kaplan (1948) Auxiliary table for the incomplete elliptic integrals. J. Math. Physics 27, pp. 11–36.
  • Y. S. Kim, A. K. Rathie, and R. B. Paris (2013) An extension of Saalschütz’s summation theorem for the series F r + 2 r + 3 . Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 24 (11), pp. 916–921.
  • K. S. Kölbig (1968) Algorithm 327: Dilogarithm [S22]. Comm. ACM 11 (4), pp. 270–271.
  • T. H. Koornwinder and M. Mazzocco (2018) Dualities in the q -Askey scheme and degenerate DAHA. Stud. Appl. Math. 141 (4), pp. 424–473.
  • T. Koornwinder, A. Kostenko, and G. Teschl (2018) Jacobi polynomials, Bernstein-type inequalities and dispersion estimates for the discrete Laguerre operator. Adv. Math. 333, pp. 796–821.
  • 6: 27.12 Asymptotic Formulas: Primes
    p n is the n th prime, beginning with p 1 = 2 . …
    27.12.1 lim n p n n ln n = 1 ,
    27.12.2 p n > n ln n , n = 1 , 2 , .
    27.12.3 π ( x ) = x 1 p j x x p j + r 2 ( 1 ) r p j 1 < p j 2 < < p j r x x p j 1 p j 2 p j r , x 1 ,
    The largest known prime (2018) is the Mersenne prime 2 82 , 589 , 933 1 . …
    7: Bibliography I
  • IEEE (2018) IEEE Standard for Interval Arithmetic: IEEE Std 1788.1-2017. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc..
  • Y. Ikebe, Y. Kikuchi, I. Fujishiro, N. Asai, K. Takanashi, and M. Harada (1993) The eigenvalue problem for infinite compact complex symmetric matrices with application to the numerical computation of complex zeros of J 0 ( z ) i J 1 ( z ) and of Bessel functions J m ( z ) of any real order m . Linear Algebra Appl. 194, pp. 35–70.
  • 8: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
    where s is equal to 1 or 0 , each b j , j 1 , is either 0 or 1 , b 1 is the most significant bit, p ( ) is the number of significant bits b j , b p 1 is the least significant bit, E is an integer called the exponent, b 0 . b 1 b 2 b p 1 is the significand, and f = . b 1 b 2 b p 1 is the fractional part. … with b 0 = 1 and all allowable choices of E , p , s , and b j . … Let E min E E max with E min < 0 and E max > 0 . … The respective machine precisions are 1 2 ϵ M = 0.596 × 10 7 , 1 2 ϵ M = 0.111 × 10 15 and 1 2 ϵ M = 0.963 × 10 34 . … For interval arithmetic, one should refer to the IEEE Standards for Interval Arithmetic IEEE (2015, 2018). …
    9: Bibliography R
  • M. Rahman (2001) The Associated Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. In Special Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future Directions (Tempe, AZ), NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., Vol. 30, pp. 255–279.
  • M. Reed and B. Simon (1980) Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1, Functional Analysis. Elsevier, New York.
  • W. P. Reinhardt (2018) Universality properties of Gaussian quadrature, the derivative rule, and a novel approach to Stieltjes inversion.
  • H. P. Robinson (1972) Roots of tan x = x .
  • M. Robnik (1980) An extremum property of the n -dimensional sphere. J. Phys. A 13 (10), pp. L349–L351.
  • 10: Bibliography C
  • L. Carlitz (1960) Note on Nörlund’s polynomial B n ( z ) . Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (3), pp. 452–455.
  • P. A. Clarkson and K. Jordaan (2018) Properties of generalized Freud polynomials. J. Approx. Theory 225, pp. 148–175.
  • P. A. Clarkson and M. D. Kruskal (1989) New similarity reductions of the Boussinesq equation. J. Math. Phys. 30 (10), pp. 2201–2213.
  • F. Cooper, A. Khare, and A. Saxena (2006) Exact elliptic compactons in generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations. Complexity 11 (6), pp. 30–34.
  • Cunningham Project (website)