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differentiation of asymptotic approximations


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1: 2.1 Definitions and Elementary Properties
β–ΊThis result also holds with both O ’s replaced by o ’s. … β–Ίmeans that for each n , the difference between f ⁑ ( x ) and the n th partial sum on the right-hand side is O ⁑ ( ( x c ) n ) as x c in 𝐗 . …
2: 10.57 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
§10.57 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
β–ΊAsymptotic expansions for 𝗃 n ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) , 𝗒 n ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) , 𝗁 n ( 1 ) ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) , 𝗁 n ( 2 ) ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) , 𝗂 n ( 1 ) ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) , and 𝗄 n ⁑ ( ( n + 1 2 ) ⁒ z ) as n that are uniform with respect to z can be obtained from the results given in §§10.20 and 10.41 by use of the definitions (10.47.3)–(10.47.7) and (10.47.9). …
3: 2.3 Integrals of a Real Variable
β–Ί(In other words, differentiation of (2.3.8) with respect to the parameter Ξ» (or ΞΌ ) is legitimate.) …
4: 9.10 Integrals
§9.10(ii) Asymptotic Approximations
9.10.8 z ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) ⁒ d z = w ⁑ ( z ) ,
9.10.9 z 2 ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) ⁒ d z = z ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) w ⁑ ( z ) ,
9.10.10 z n + 3 ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) ⁒ d z = z n + 2 ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) ( n + 2 ) ⁒ z n + 1 ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) + ( n + 1 ) ⁒ ( n + 2 ) ⁒ z n ⁒ w ⁑ ( z ) ⁒ d z , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , .
9.10.20 0 x 0 v Ai ⁑ ( t ) ⁒ d t ⁒ d v = x ⁒ 0 x Ai ⁑ ( t ) ⁒ d t Ai ⁑ ( x ) + Ai ⁑ ( 0 ) ,
5: 2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
β–Ίdots denoting differentiations with respect to ΞΎ . … β–ΊIn both cases uniform asymptotic approximations are obtained in terms of Bessel functions of order 1 / ( Ξ» + 2 ) . … β–ΊFor further examples of uniform asymptotic approximations in terms of parabolic cylinder functions see §§13.20(iii), 13.20(iv), 14.15(v), 15.12(iii), 18.24. β–ΊFor further examples of uniform asymptotic approximations in terms of Bessel functions or modified Bessel functions of variable order see §§13.21(ii), 14.15(ii), 14.15(iv), 14.20(viii), 30.9(i), 30.9(ii). β–ΊFor examples of uniform asymptotic approximations in terms of Whittaker functions with fixed second parameter see §18.15(i) and §28.8(iv). …
6: Bibliography M
  • A. J. MacLeod (1996b) Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals. Numer. Algorithms 12 (3-4), pp. 259–272.
  • β–Ί
  • G. Meinardus (1967) Approximation of Functions: Theory and Numerical Methods. Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy, Vol. 13, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • β–Ί
  • J. W. Miles (1975) Asymptotic approximations for prolate spheroidal wave functions. Studies in Appl. Math. 54 (4), pp. 315–349.
  • β–Ί
  • C. Mortici (2013a) A continued fraction approximation of the gamma function. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 402 (2), pp. 405–410.
  • β–Ί
  • H. J. W. Müller (1966c) On asymptotic expansions of ellipsoidal wave functions. Math. Nachr. 32, pp. 157–172.
  • 7: 9.12 Scorer Functions
    §9.12(viii) Asymptotic Expansions
    β–ΊFor other phase ranges combine these results with the connection formulas (9.12.11)–(9.12.14) and the asymptotic expansions given in §9.7. … β–Ί
    9.12.31 0 z Hi ⁑ ( t ) ⁒ d t 1 Ο€ ⁒ ln ⁑ z + 2 ⁒ Ξ³ + ln ⁑ 3 3 ⁒ Ο€ + 1 Ο€ ⁒ k = 1 ( 1 ) k 1 ⁒ ( 3 ⁒ k 1 ) ! k ! ⁒ ( 3 ⁒ z 3 ) k , | ph ⁑ z | 2 3 ⁒ Ο€ Ξ΄ ,
    β–ΊFor the above properties and further results, including the distribution of complex zeros, asymptotic approximations for the numerically large real or complex zeros, and numerical tables see Gil et al. (2003c). …
    8: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    β–ΊSee Gautschi (1983) for examples of numerically stable and unstable use of the above recursion relations, and how one can then usefully differentiate between numerical results of low and high precision, as produced thereby. … β–Ί
    Stieltjes Inversion via (approximate) Analytic Continuation
    β–ΊInterpolation of the midpoints of the jumps followed by differentiation with respect to x yields a Stieltjes–Perron inversion to obtain w RCP ⁑ ( x ) to a precision of 4 decimal digits for N = 120 . … β–ΊHere x ⁒ ( t , N ) is an interpolation of the abscissas x i , N , i = 1 , 2 , , N , that is, x ⁒ ( i , N ) = x i , N , allowing differentiation by i . … β–ΊIn Figure 18.40.2 the approximations were carried out with a precision of 50 decimal digits.
    9: 9.8 Modulus and Phase
    β–ΊPrimes denote differentiations with respect to x , which is continued to be assumed real and nonpositive. … β–Ί
    §9.8(iv) Asymptotic Expansions
    9.8.20 M 2 ⁑ ( x ) 1 Ο€ ⁒ ( x ) 1 / 2 ⁒ k = 0 1 3 5 ⁒ β‹― ⁒ ( 6 ⁒ k 1 ) k ! ⁒ ( 96 ) k ⁒ 1 x 3 ⁒ k ,
    β–ΊAlso, approximate values (25S) of the coefficients of the powers x 15 , x 18 , , x 56 are available in Sherry (1959).