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Zeilberger–Bressoud theorem


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1: 17.14 Constant Term Identities
ZeilbergerBressoud Theorem (Andrews’ q -Dyson Conjecture)
2: Bibliography Z
  • D. Zeilberger and D. M. Bressoud (1985) A proof of Andrews’ q -Dyson conjecture. Discrete Math. 54 (2), pp. 201–224.
  • Zeilberger (website) Doron Zeilberger’s Maple Packages and Programs Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
  • 3: 35.12 Software
    For an algorithm to evaluate zonal polynomials, and an implementation of the algorithm in Maple by Zeilberger, see Lapointe and Vinet (1996).
    4: 28.27 Addition Theorems
    §28.27 Addition Theorems
    Addition theorems provide important connections between Mathieu functions with different parameters and in different coordinate systems. They are analogous to the addition theorems for Bessel functions (§10.23(ii)) and modified Bessel functions (§10.44(ii)). …
    5: 26 Combinatorial Analysis
    6: David M. Bressoud
    David M. Bressoud
    David M. Bressoud (b. … Bressoud has published numerous papers in number theory, combinatorics, and special functions. … Bressoud is author of the following DLMF Chapter … Bressoud served as a Validator for the original release and publication in May 2010 of the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and the NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions.
    7: 27.12 Asymptotic Formulas: Primes
    Prime Number Theorem
    Descriptions and comparisons of pseudoprime tests are given in Bressoud and Wagon (2000, §§2.4, 4.2, and 8.2) and Crandall and Pomerance (2005, §§3.4–3.6). …
    8: 23.20 Mathematical Applications
    §23.20(ii) Elliptic Curves
    The geometric nature of this construction is illustrated in McKean and Moll (1999, §2.14), Koblitz (1993, §§6, 7), and Silverman and Tate (1992, Chapter 1, §§3, 4): each of these references makes a connection with the addition theorem (23.10.1). … K always has the form T × r (Mordell’s Theorem: Silverman and Tate (1992, Chapter 3, §5)); the determination of r , the rank of K , raises questions of great difficulty, many of which are still open. … For applications of the Weierstrass function and the elliptic curve method to these problems see Bressoud (1989) and Koblitz (1999). …
    9: 27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
    §27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
    The Chinese remainder theorem states that a system of congruences x a 1 ( mod m 1 ) , , x a k ( mod m k ) , always has a solution if the moduli are relatively prime in pairs; the solution is unique (mod m ), where m is the product of the moduli. This theorem is employed to increase efficiency in calculating with large numbers by making use of smaller numbers in most of the calculation. …By the Chinese remainder theorem each integer in the data can be uniquely represented by its residues (mod m 1 ), (mod m 2 ), (mod m 3 ), and (mod m 4 ), respectively. …These numbers, in turn, are combined by the Chinese remainder theorem to obtain the final result ( mod m ) , which is correct to 20 digits. …
    10: 26.19 Mathematical Applications
    Partitions and plane partitions have applications to representation theory (Bressoud (1999), Macdonald (1995), and Sagan (2001)) and to special functions (Andrews et al. (1999) and Gasper and Rahman (2004)). …