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Morse oscillator


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1: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
Also presented are the analytic solutions for the L 2 , bound state, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Morse oscillator which also has analytically known non-normalizable continuum eigenfunctions, thus providing an example of a mixed spectrum. … argument b) The Morse Oscillator …The finite system of functions ψ n is orthonormal in L 2 ( , d x ) , see (18.34.7_3). …The corresponding eigenfunction transform is a generalization of the Kontorovich–Lebedev transform §10.43(v), see Faraut (1982, §IV). …
2: Bibliography N
  • M. M. Nieto and L. M. Simmons (1979) Eigenstates, coherent states, and uncertainty products for the Morse oscillator. Phys. Rev. A (3) 19 (2), pp. 438–444.
  • 3: 12.17 Physical Applications
    See Buchholz (1969, §4) and Morse and Feshbach (1953a, pp. 515 and 553). … Dean (1966) describes the role of PCFs in quantum mechanical systems closely related to the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. … For this topic and other boundary-value problems see Boyd (1973), Hillion (1997), Magnus (1941), Morse and Feshbach (1953a, b), Müller (1988), Ott (1985), Rice (1954), and Shanmugam (1978). …