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1: Wadim Zudilin
He has been an Associate Professor at Moscow State University (Russia), an Ostrowski Fellow at Institut Henri Poincaré and Université Paris 6 (France), a Humboldt Fellow at the Cologne University (Germany) and a Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn (Germany). …
2: Publications
  • B. V. Saunders and Q. Wang (2006) From B-Spline Mesh Generation to Effective Visualizations for the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, in Curve and Surface Design, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France June 29–July 5, 2006, pp. 235–243. PDF
  • 3: Bibliography J
  • A. Jonquière (1889) Note sur la série n = 1 x n / n s . Bull. Soc. Math. France 17, pp. 142–152 (French).
  • 4: Bibliography H
  • J. Hadamard (1896) Sur la distribution des zéros de la fonction ζ ( s ) et ses conséquences arithmétiques. Bull. Soc. Math. France 24, pp. 199–220 (French).
  • 5: Bibliography C
  • L. Comtet (1974) Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions. enlarged edition, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht.