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1: 34.6 Definition: 9 ⁒ j Symbol
§34.6 Definition: 9 ⁒ j Symbol
β–ΊThe 9 ⁒ j symbol may be defined either in terms of 3 ⁒ j symbols or equivalently in terms of 6 ⁒ j symbols: β–Ί
34.6.1 { j 11 j 12 j 13 j 21 j 22 j 23 j 31 j 32 j 33 } = all  ⁒ m r ⁒ s ( j 11 j 12 j 13 m 11 m 12 m 13 ) ⁒ ( j 21 j 22 j 23 m 21 m 22 m 23 ) ⁒ ( j 31 j 32 j 33 m 31 m 32 m 33 ) ⁒ ( j 11 j 21 j 31 m 11 m 21 m 31 ) ⁒ ( j 12 j 22 j 32 m 12 m 22 m 32 ) ⁒ ( j 13 j 23 j 33 m 13 m 23 m 33 ) ,
34.6.2 { j 11 j 12 j 13 j 21 j 22 j 23 j 31 j 32 j 33 } = j ( 1 ) 2 ⁒ j ⁒ ( 2 ⁒ j + 1 ) ⁒ { j 11 j 21 j 31 j 32 j 33 j } ⁒ { j 12 j 22 j 32 j 21 j j 23 } ⁒ { j 13 j 23 j 33 j j 11 j 12 } .
β–ΊThe 9 ⁒ j symbol may also be written as a finite triple sum equivalent to a terminating generalized hypergeometric series of three variables with unit arguments. …
2: 19.2 Definitions
β–ΊLet s 2 ⁒ ( t ) be a cubic or quartic polynomial in t with simple zeros, and let r ⁑ ( s , t ) be a rational function of s and t containing at least one odd power of s . … β–ΊAssume 1 sin 2 ⁑ Ο• β„‚ βˆ– ( , 0 ] and 1 k 2 ⁒ sin 2 ⁑ Ο• β„‚ βˆ– ( , 0 ] , except that one of them may be 0, and 1 Ξ± 2 ⁒ sin 2 ⁑ Ο• β„‚ βˆ– { 0 } . … β–Ί
§19.2(iv) A Related Function: R C ⁑ ( x , y )
β–ΊWhen x and y are positive, R C ⁑ ( x , y ) is an inverse circular function if x < y and an inverse hyperbolic function (or logarithm) if x > y : …For the special cases of R C ⁑ ( x , x ) and R C ⁑ ( 0 , y ) see (19.6.15). …
3: 27.2 Functions
β–ΊFunctions in this section derive their properties from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, which states that every integer n > 1 can be represented uniquely as a product of prime powers, …( Ξ½ ⁑ ( 1 ) is defined to be 0.) …It can be expressed as a sum over all primes p x : … β–Ίis the sum of the Ξ± th powers of the divisors of n , where the exponent Ξ± can be real or complex. Note that Οƒ 0 ⁑ ( n ) = d ⁑ ( n ) . …
4: 16.25 Methods of Computation
β–ΊThere is, however, an added feature in the numerical solution of differential equations and difference equations (recurrence relations). …Instead a boundary-value problem needs to be formulated and solved. See §§3.6(vii), 3.7(iii), Olde Daalhuis and Olver (1998), Lozier (1980), and Wimp (1984, Chapters 7, 8).
5: 10.74 Methods of Computation
β–ΊFurthermore, the attainable accuracy can be increased substantially by use of the exponentially-improved expansions given in §10.17(v), even more so by application of the hyperasymptotic expansions to be found in the references in that subsection. β–ΊFor large positive real values of Ξ½ the uniform asymptotic expansions of §§10.20(i) and 10.20(ii) can be used. …It should be noted, however, that there is a difficulty in evaluating the coefficients A k ⁑ ( ΞΆ ) , B k ⁑ ( ΞΆ ) , C k ⁑ ( ΞΆ ) , and D k ⁑ ( ΞΆ ) , from the explicit expressions (10.20.10)–(10.20.13) when z is close to 1 owing to severe cancellation. … β–ΊAnd since there are no error terms they could, in theory, be used for all values of z ; however, there may be severe cancellation when | z | is not large compared with n 2 . … β–ΊThen J n ⁑ ( x ) and Y n ⁑ ( x ) can be generated by either forward or backward recurrence on n when n < x , but if n > x then to maintain stability J n ⁑ ( x ) has to be generated by backward recurrence on n , and Y n ⁑ ( x ) has to be generated by forward recurrence on n . …
6: 36 Integrals with Coalescing Saddles
7: 6.18 Methods of Computation
β–ΊThe attainable accuracy of the asymptotic expansions can be increased considerably by exponential improvement. Also, other ranges of ph ⁑ z can be covered by use of the continuation formulas of §6.4. … β–ΊFor example, the Gauss–Laguerre formula (§3.5(v)) can be applied to (6.2.2); see Todd (1954) and Tseng and Lee (1998). … β–ΊLastly, the continued fraction (6.9.1) can be used if | z | is bounded away from the origin. … β–Ί A 0 , B 0 , and C 0 can be computed by Miller’s algorithm (§3.6(iii)), starting with initial values ( A N , B N , C N ) = ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) , say, where N is an arbitrary large integer, and normalizing via C 0 = 1 / z . …
8: 26.13 Permutations: Cycle Notation
β–ΊAn explicit representation of Οƒ can be given by the 2 × n matrix: … β–Ίis ( 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 7 ) ⁒ ( 4 ) ⁒ ( 6 , 8 ) in cycle notation. …In consequence, (26.13.2) can also be written as ( 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 7 ) ⁒ ( 6 , 8 ) . … β–ΊA permutation that consists of a single cycle of length k can be written as the composition of k 1 two-cycles (read from right to left): …For the example (26.13.2), this decomposition is given by ( 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 7 ) ⁒ ( 6 , 8 ) = ( 1 , 3 ) ⁒ ( 2 , 3 ) ⁒ ( 2 , 5 ) ⁒ ( 5 , 7 ) ⁒ ( 6 , 8 ) .
9: 13.27 Mathematical Applications
β–ΊVilenkin (1968, Chapter 8) constructs irreducible representations of this group, in which the diagonal matrices correspond to operators of multiplication by an exponential function. The other group elements correspond to integral operators whose kernels can be expressed in terms of Whittaker functions. This identification can be used to obtain various properties of the Whittaker functions, including recurrence relations and derivatives. …
10: 5.19 Mathematical Applications
β–ΊAs shown in Temme (1996b, §3.4), the results given in §5.7(ii) can be used to sum infinite series of rational functions. … β–ΊMany special functions f ⁑ ( z ) can be represented as a Mellin–Barnes integral, that is, an integral of a product of gamma functions, reciprocals of gamma functions, and a power of z , the integration contour being doubly-infinite and eventually parallel to the imaginary axis at both ends. …By translating the contour parallel to itself and summing the residues of the integrand, asymptotic expansions of f ⁑ ( z ) for large | z | , or small | z | , can be obtained complete with an integral representation of the error term. For further information and examples see §2.5 and Paris and Kaminski (2001, Chapters 5, 6, and 8). …