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DVR representations of operators


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1: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
Quadrature “Extended” to Pseudo-Spectral (DVR) Representations of Operators in One and Many Dimensions
The basic ideas of Gaussian quadrature, and their extensions to non-classical weight functions, and the computation of the corresponding quadrature abscissas and weights, have led to discrete variable representations, or DVRs, of Sturm–Liouville and other differential operators. …
2: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
Table 18.39.1: Typical Non-Classical Weight Functions Of Use In DVR Applicationsa
Name of OP System w ( x ) [ a , b ] Notation Applications
3: Errata
This especially included updated information on matrix analysis, measure theory, spectral analysis, and a new section on linear second order differential operators and eigenfunction expansions. … The specific updates to Chapter 1 include the addition of an entirely new subsection §1.18 entitled “Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions” which is a survey of the formal spectral analysis of second order differential operators. The spectral theory of these operators, based on Sturm-Liouville and Liouville normal forms, distribution theory, is now discussed more completely, including linear algebra, matrices, matrices as linear operators, orthonormal expansions, Stieltjes integrals/measures, generating functions. …
  • Chapter 1 Additions

    The following additions were made in Chapter 1:

  • Subsections 1.15(vi), 1.15(vii), 2.6(iii)

    A number of changes were made with regard to fractional integrals and derivatives. In §1.15(vi) a reference to Miller and Ross (1993) was added, the fractional integral operator of order α was more precisely identified as the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of order α , and a paragraph was added below (1.15.50) to generalize (1.15.47). In §1.15(vii) the sentence defining the fractional derivative was clarified. In §2.6(iii) the identification of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator was made consistent with §1.15(vi).