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q-deformed quantum mechanical


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21: 15.18 Physical Applications
The hypergeometric function has allowed the development of “solvable” models for one-dimensional quantum scattering through and over barriers (Eckart (1930), Bhattacharjie and Sudarshan (1962)), and generalized to include position-dependent effective masses (Dekar et al. (1999)). More varied applications include photon scattering from atoms (Gavrila (1967)), energy distributions of particles in plasmas (Mace and Hellberg (1995)), conformal field theory of critical phenomena (Burkhardt and Xue (1991)), quantum chromo-dynamics (Atkinson and Johnson (1988)), and general parametrization of the effective potentials of interaction between atoms in diatomic molecules (Herrick and O’Connor (1998)).
22: 26.20 Physical Applications
The latter reference also describes chemical applications of other combinatorial techniques. Applications of combinatorics, especially integer and plane partitions, to counting lattice structures and other problems of statistical mechanics, of which the Ising model is the principal example, can be found in Montroll (1964), Godsil et al. (1995), Baxter (1982), and Korepin et al. (1993). For an application of statistical mechanics to combinatorics, see Bressoud (1999). …
23: Bibliography S
  • K. Schulten and R. G. Gordon (1975a) Exact recursive evaluation of 3 j - and 6 j -coefficients for quantum-mechanical coupling of angular momenta. J. Mathematical Phys. 16 (10), pp. 1961–1970.
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  • 24: 24.18 Physical Applications
    Bernoulli polynomials appear in statistical physics (Ordóñez and Driebe (1996)), in discussions of Casimir forces (Li et al. (1991)), and in a study of quark-gluon plasma (Meisinger et al. (2002)). Euler polynomials also appear in statistical physics as well as in semi-classical approximations to quantum probability distributions (Ballentine and McRae (1998)).
    25: Bibliography G
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  • 26: Bibliography E
  • A. R. Edmonds (1974) Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics. 3rd printing, with corrections, 2nd edition, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
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  • S. W. Weinberg (2013) Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
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  • L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz (1965) Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
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  • E. W. Leaver (1986) Solutions to a generalized spheroidal wave equation: Teukolsky’s equations in general relativity, and the two-center problem in molecular quantum mechanics. J. Math. Phys. 27 (5), pp. 1238–1265.
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  • L. E. Ballentine and S. M. McRae (1998) Moment equations for probability distributions in classical and quantum mechanics. Phys. Rev. A 58 (3), pp. 1799–1809.
  • R. J. Baxter (1982) Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics. Academic Press Inc., London-New York.
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  • 30: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (SUSY)
    EOP’s, Painlevé Transcendents, and Quantum Mechanics
    EOP’s are the subject of recent work on rational solutions to the fourth Painlevé equation, see Clarkson (2003a) and Marquette and Quesne (2016),where use of Hermite EOP’s makes a connection to quantum mechanics. …