Miller algorithm
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1: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
§3.6(iii) Miller’s Algorithm
… ►For further information on Miller’s algorithm, including examples, convergence proofs, and error analyses, see Wimp (1984, Chapter 4), Gautschi (1967, 1997b), and Olver (1964a). See also Gautschi (1967) and Gil et al. (2007a, Chapter 4) for the computation of recessive solutions via continued fractions. … ►The backward recursion can be carried out using independently computed values of and or by use of Miller’s algorithm (§3.6(iii)) or Olver’s algorithm (§3.6(v)). …2: 6.18 Methods of Computation
, , and can be computed by Miller’s algorithm (§3.6(iii)), starting with initial values , say, where is an arbitrary large integer, and normalizing via .
3: Bibliography O
Error analysis of Miller’s recurrence algorithm.
Math. Comp. 18 (85), pp. 65–74.
4: Bibliography C
Algorithms for special functions. I.
Numer. Math. 4, pp. 403–419.
5: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
►For details and examples of these methods, see Clenshaw (1957, 1962) and Miller (1966).
Summation of Chebyshev Series: Clenshaw’s Algorithm
… ►A widely implemented and used algorithm for calculating the coefficients and in (3.11.16) is Remez’s second algorithm. … ►is of fundamental importance in the FFT algorithm. …For further details and algorithms, see Van Loan (1992). …6: Bibliography P
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Comm. ACM 13 (7), pp. 446–447.
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Pergamon Press, New York.
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ACM Trans. Math. Software 1 (4), pp. 372–379.
7: 8.25 Methods of Computation
►DiDonato and Morris (1986) describes an algorithm for computing and for , , and from the uniform expansions in §8.12.
The algorithm supplies 14S accuracy.
►Stable recursive schemes for the computation of are described in Miller (1960) for and integer .
8: Bibliography L
Computing : The Meissel-Lehmer method.
Math. Comp. 44 (170), pp. 537–560.
Algorithm 537: Characteristic values of Mathieu’s differential equation.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 5 (1), pp. 112–117.
Algorithm 244: Fresnel integrals.
Comm. ACM 7 (11), pp. 660–661.
Algorithms for rational approximations for a confluent hypergeometric function.
Utilitas Math. 11, pp. 123–151.
Algorithms for the Computation of Mathematical Functions.
Academic Press, New York.
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Evaluation of -gamma function and -analogues by iterative algorithms.
Numer. Algorithms 49 (1-4), pp. 159–168.
Algorithm 292: Regular Coulomb wave functions.
Comm. ACM 9 (11), pp. 793–795.
Algorithm 471: Exponential integrals.
Comm. ACM 16 (12), pp. 761–763.
Algorithm 542: Incomplete gamma functions.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 5 (4), pp. 482–489.
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Royal Society Math. Tables, Vol. 4, Cambridge University Press.
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Algorithm 838: Airy functions.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 30 (4), pp. 491–501.
Algorithm 309. Gamma function with arbitrary precision.
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2nd edition, Published for Scientific Computing Service Ltd., London, by
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