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relative error


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1: 33.25 Approximations
Maximum relative errors range from 1. …
2: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
Then rounding by chopping or rounding down of x gives x , with maximum relative error ϵ M . Symmetric rounding or rounding to nearest of x gives x or x + , whichever is nearer to x , with maximum relative error equal to the machine precision 1 2 ϵ M = 2 p . … Also in this arithmetic generalized precision can be defined, which includes absolute error and relative precision (§3.1(v)) as special cases. … If x 0 , the relative error is …The relative precision is …
3: 25.20 Approximations
  • Antia (1993) gives minimax rational approximations for Γ ( s + 1 ) F s ( x ) , where F s ( x ) is the Fermi–Dirac integral (25.12.14), for the intervals < x 2 and 2 x < , with s = 1 2 , 1 2 , 3 2 , 5 2 . For each s there are three sets of approximations, with relative maximum errors 10 4 , 10 8 , 10 12 .

  • 4: DLMF Project News
    error generating summary
    5: 11.6 Asymptotic Expansions
    and for an estimate of the relative error in this approximation see Watson (1944, p. 336).
    6: 19.36 Methods of Computation
    If the iteration of (19.36.6) and (19.36.12) is stopped when c s < r t s ( M and T being approximated by a s and t s , and the infinite series being truncated), then the relative error in R F and R G is less than r if we neglect terms of order r 2 . …
    7: 7.24 Approximations
  • Cody (1969) provides minimax rational approximations for erf x and erfc x . The maximum relative precision is about 20S.

  • Cody et al. (1970) gives minimax rational approximations to Dawson’s integral F ( x ) (maximum relative precision 20S–22S).

  • 8: 3.3 Interpolation
    With an error term the Lagrange interpolation formula for f is given by …If f , x ( = z ), and the nodes x k are real, and f ( n + 1 ) is continuous on the smallest closed interval I containing x , x 0 , x 1 , , x n , then the error can be expressed … The divided differences of f relative to a sequence of distinct points z 0 , z 1 , z 2 , are defined by … The interpolation error R n ( z ) is as in §3.3(i). …
    9: Bibliography W
  • E. J. Weniger (2007) Asymptotic Approximations to Truncation Errors of Series Representations for Special Functions. In Algorithms for Approximation, A. Iske and J. Levesley (Eds.), pp. 331–348.
  • R. Wong and J.-M. Zhang (1994a) Asymptotic monotonicity of the relative extrema of Jacobi polynomials. Canad. J. Math. 46 (6), pp. 1318–1337.
  • R. Wong and J.-M. Zhang (1994b) On the relative extrema of the Jacobi polynomials P n ( 0 , 1 ) ( x ) . SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (2), pp. 776–811.
  • R. Wong and Y.-Q. Zhao (2003) Estimates for the error term in a uniform asymptotic expansion of the Jacobi polynomials. Anal. Appl. (Singap.) 1 (2), pp. 213–241.
  • R. Wong (1976) Error bounds for asymptotic expansions of Hankel transforms. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 7 (6), pp. 799–808.
  • 10: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
    Unless exact arithmetic is being used, however, each step of the calculation introduces rounding errors. These errors have the effect of perturbing the solution by unwanted small multiples of w n and of an independent solution g n , say. … For further information on Miller’s algorithm, including examples, convergence proofs, and error analyses, see Wimp (1984, Chapter 4), Gautschi (1967, 1997b), and Olver (1964a). … Suppose again that f 0 0 , w 0 is given, and we wish to calculate w 1 , w 2 , , w M to a prescribed relative accuracy ϵ for a given value of M . … For further information, including a more general form of normalizing condition, other examples, convergence proofs, and error analyses, see Olver (1967a), Olver and Sookne (1972), and Wimp (1984, Chapter 6). …