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1: 7.18 Repeated Integrals of the Complementary Error Function
§7.18 Repeated Integrals of the Complementary Error Function
§7.18(i) Definition
§7.18(iii) Properties
Hermite Polynomials
2: 7.2 Definitions
§7.2(i) Error Functions
7.2.2 erfc z = 2 π z e t 2 d t = 1 erf z ,
erf z , erfc z , and w ( z ) are entire functions of z , as is F ( z ) in the next subsection.
Values at Infinity
lim z erf z = 1 ,
3: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
§3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
§3.1(v) Error Measures
If x is an approximation to a real or complex number x , then the absolute error is …If x 0 , the relative error is … The mollified error is …
4: 7.15 Sums
§7.15 Sums
For sums involving the error function see Hansen (1975, p. 423) and Prudnikov et al. (1986b, vol. 2, pp. 650–651).
5: 7.16 Generalized Error Functions
§7.16 Generalized Error Functions
Generalizations of the error function and Dawson’s integral are 0 x e t p d t and 0 x e t p d t . …
6: 7.21 Physical Applications
§7.21 Physical Applications
The error functions, Fresnel integrals, and related functions occur in a variety of physical applications. … Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) gives many applications and points out the importance of the repeated integrals of the complementary error function i n erfc ( z ) . Fried and Conte (1961) mentions the role of w ( z ) in the theory of linearized waves or oscillations in a hot plasma; w ( z ) is called the plasma dispersion function or Faddeeva (or Faddeyeva) function; see Faddeeva and Terent’ev (1954). …
7: 7.22 Methods of Computation
§7.22(i) Main Functions
§7.22(iii) Repeated Integrals of the Complementary Error Function
The recursion scheme given by (7.18.1) and (7.18.7) can be used for computing i n erfc ( x ) . … The computation of these functions can be based on algorithms for the complementary error function with complex argument; compare (7.19.3). …
8: Possible Errors in DLMF
Possible Errors in DLMF
One source of confusion, rather than actual errors, are some new functions which differ from those in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964) by scaling, shifts or constraints on the domain; see the Info box (click or hover over the [Uncaptioned image] icon) for links to defining formula. …Errors in the printed Handbook may already have been corrected in the online version; please consult Errata. Nevertheless, it is quite possible that errors remain and we would appreciate knowing about them, so that we can make the necessary corrections. …
9: 7.24 Approximations
  • Hastings (1955) gives several minimax polynomial and rational approximations for erf x , erfc x and the auxiliary functions f ( x ) and g ( x ) .

  • Cody (1969) provides minimax rational approximations for erf x and erfc x . The maximum relative precision is about 20S.

  • Cody et al. (1970) gives minimax rational approximations to Dawson’s integral F ( x ) (maximum relative precision 20S–22S).

  • Shepherd and Laframboise (1981) gives coefficients of Chebyshev series for ( 1 + 2 x ) e x 2 erfc x on ( 0 , ) (22D).

  • Luke (1969b, vol. 2, pp. 422–435) gives main diagonal Padé approximations for F ( z ) , erf z , erfc z , C ( z ) , and S ( z ) ; approximate errors are given for a selection of z -values.

  • 10: 7.1 Special Notation
    Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the argument. The main functions treated in this chapter are the error function erf z ; the complementary error functions erfc z and w ( z ) ; Dawson’s integral F ( z ) ; the Fresnel integrals ( z ) , C ( z ) , and S ( z ) ; the Goodwin–Staton integral G ( z ) ; the repeated integrals of the complementary error function i n erfc ( z ) ; the Voigt functions 𝖴 ( x , t ) and 𝖵 ( x , t ) . Alternative notations are Q ( z ) = 1 2 erfc ( z / 2 ) , P ( z ) = Φ ( z ) = 1 2 erfc ( z / 2 ) , Erf z = 1 2 π erf z , Erfi z = e z 2 F ( z ) , C 1 ( z ) = C ( 2 / π z ) , S 1 ( z ) = S ( 2 / π z ) , C 2 ( z ) = C ( 2 z / π ) , S 2 ( z ) = S ( 2 z / π ) . …