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21: 32.14 Combinatorics
The distribution function F ( s ) given by (32.14.2) arises in random matrix theory where it gives the limiting distribution for the normalized largest eigenvalue in the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble of n × n Hermitian matrices; see Tracy and Widom (1994). … See Forrester and Witte (2001, 2002) for other instances of Painlevé equations in random matrix theory.
22: David M. Bressoud
 227, in 1980, Factorization and Primality Testing, published by Springer-Verlag in 1989, Second Year Calculus from Celestial Mechanics to Special Relativity, published by Springer-Verlag in 1992, A Radical Approach to Real Analysis, published by the Mathematical Association of America in 1994, with a second edition in 2007, Proofs and Confirmations: The Story of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture, published by the Mathematical Association of America and Cambridge University Press in 1999, A Course in Computational Number Theory (with S. …
23: 21.4 Graphics
21.4.1 𝛀 = [ 1.69098 3006 + 0.95105 6516 i 1.5 + 0.36327 1264 i 1.5 + 0.36327 1264 i 1.30901 6994 + 0.95105 6516 i ] .
This Riemann matrix originates from the Riemann surface represented by the algebraic curve μ 3 λ 7 + 2 λ 3 μ = 0 ; compare §21.7(i). …
21.4.2 𝛀 1 = [ i 1 2 1 2 i ] ,
21.4.3 𝛀 2 = [ 1 2 + i 1 2 1 2 i 1 2 1 2 i 1 2 1 2 i i 0 1 2 1 2 i 0 i ] .
See accompanying text
Figure 21.4.5: The real part of a genus 3 scaled Riemann theta function: θ ^ ( x + i y , 0 , 0 | 𝛀 2 ) , 0 x 1 , 0 y 3 . This Riemann matrix originates from the genus 3 Riemann surface represented by the algebraic curve μ 3 + 2 μ λ 4 = 0 ; compare §21.7(i). Magnify 3D Help
24: 26.15 Permutations: Matrix Notation
§26.15 Permutations: Matrix Notation
The permutation σ corresponds to the matrix in which there is a 1 at the intersection of row j with column σ ( j ) , and 0’s in all other positions. The permutation 35247816 corresponds to the matrixThe sign of the permutation σ is the sign of the determinant of its matrix representation. The inversion number of σ is a sum of products of pairs of entries in the matrix representation of σ : …
25: 21.6 Products
Let 𝐓 = [ T j k ] be an arbitrary h × h orthogonal matrix (that is, 𝐓 𝐓 T = 𝐈 ) with rational elements. Also, let 𝐙 be an arbitrary g × h matrix. …
21.6.1 𝒦 = g × h 𝐓 / ( g × h 𝐓 g × h ) ,
that is, 𝒦 is the set of all g × h matrices that are obtained by premultiplying 𝐓 by any g × h matrix with integer elements; two such matrices in 𝒦 are considered equivalent if their difference is a matrix with integer elements. …
21.6.3 j = 1 h θ ( k = 1 h T j k 𝐳 k | 𝛀 ) = 1 𝒟 g 𝐀 𝒦 𝐁 𝒦 e 2 π i tr [ 1 2 𝐀 T 𝛀 𝐀 + 𝐀 T [ 𝐙 + 𝐁 ] ] j = 1 h θ ( 𝐳 j + 𝛀 𝐚 j + 𝐛 j | 𝛀 ) ,
26: 21.3 Symmetry and Quasi-Periodicity
21.3.1 θ ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) = θ ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) ,
21.3.2 θ ( 𝐳 + 𝐦 1 | 𝛀 ) = θ ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) ,
21.3.3 θ ( 𝐳 + 𝐦 1 + 𝛀 𝐦 2 | 𝛀 ) = e 2 π i ( 1 2 𝐦 2 𝛀 𝐦 2 + 𝐦 2 𝐳 ) θ ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) ,
21.3.4 θ [ 𝜶 + 𝐦 1 𝜷 + 𝐦 2 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) = e 2 π i 𝜶 𝐦 2 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) .
21.3.6 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) = ( 1 ) 4 𝜶 𝜷 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) .
27: Morris Newman
Newman wrote the book Matrix Representations of Groups, published by the National Bureau of Standards in 1968, and the book Integral Matrices, published by Academic Press in 1972, which became a classic. …
28: Ingram Olkin
Olkin’s research covered a broad range of areas, including multivariate analysis, reliability theory, matrix theory, statistical models in the social and behavioral sciences, life distributions, and meta-analysis. …
29: 3.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
where 𝐀 ( τ , z ) is the matrix
3.7.6 𝐀 ( τ , z ) = [ A 11 ( τ , z ) A 12 ( τ , z ) A 21 ( τ , z ) A 22 ( τ , z ) ] ,
Let 𝐀 P be the ( 2 P ) × ( 2 P + 2 ) band matrix
3.7.13 𝐀 P 𝐰 = 𝐛 .
This converts the problem into a tridiagonal matrix problem in which the elements of the matrix are polynomials in λ ; compare §3.2(vi). …
30: 30.16 Methods of Computation
For d sufficiently large, construct the d × d tridiagonal matrix 𝐀 = [ A j , k ] with nonzero elements … Let 𝐀 be the d × d matrix given by (30.16.1) if n m is even, or by (30.16.6) if n m is odd. …