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1: Bibliography N
  • D. Naylor (1989) On an integral transform involving a class of Mathieu functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (6), pp. 1500–1513.
  • National Bureau of Standards (1967) Tables Relating to Mathieu Functions: Characteristic Values, Coefficients, and Joining Factors. 2nd edition, National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..
  • W. J. Nellis and B. C. Carlson (1966) Reduction and evaluation of elliptic integrals. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 223–231.
  • T. D. Newton (1952) Coulomb Functions for Large Values of the Parameter η . Technical report Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario.
  • E. W. Ng and M. Geller (1969) A table of integrals of the error functions. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect B. 73B, pp. 1–20.
  • 2: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    There are many ways to implement these first two steps, noting that the expressions for α n and β n of equation (18.2.30) are of little practical numerical value, see Gautschi (2004) and Golub and Meurant (2010). … It is now necessary to take the limit ε 0 + of F ( x + i ε ) , and the imaginary part is the required Stieltjes–Perron inversion:
    18.40.6 lim ε 0 + a b w ( x ) d x x + i ε x d x = a b w ( x ) d x x x i π w ( x ) ,
    Results of low ( 2 to 3 decimal digits) precision for w ( x ) are easily obtained for N 10 to 20 . Gautschi (2004, p. 119–120) has explored the ε 0 + limit via the Wynn ε -algorithm, (3.9.11) to accelerate convergence, finding four to eight digits of precision in w ( x ) , depending smoothly on x , for N 4000 , for an example involving first numerator Legendre OP’s. …
    3: 26.12 Plane Partitions
    Table 26.12.1: Plane partitions.
    n pp ( n ) n pp ( n ) n pp ( n )
    3 6 20 75278 37 903 79784
    §26.12(iv) Limiting Form
    4: 6.16 Mathematical Applications
    These limits are not approached uniformly, however. …Hence if x = π / ( 2 n ) and n , then the limiting value of S n ( x ) overshoots 1 4 π by approximately 18%. Similarly if x = π / n , then the limiting value of S n ( x ) undershoots 1 4 π by approximately 10%, and so on. …
    See accompanying text
    Figure 6.16.2: The logarithmic integral li ( x ) , together with vertical bars indicating the value of π ( x ) for x = 10 , 20 , , 1000 . Magnify
    5: 19.36 Methods of Computation
    Complex values of the variables are allowed, with some restrictions in the case of R J that are sufficient but not always necessary. … Accurate values of F ( ϕ , k ) E ( ϕ , k ) for k 2 near 0 can be obtained from R D by (19.2.6) and (19.25.13). … As n , c n , a n , and t n converge quadratically to limits 0 , M , and T , respectively; hence … This method loses significant figures in ρ if α 2 and k 2 are nearly equal unless they are given exact values—as they can be for tables. … For computation of Legendre’s integral of the third kind, see Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, §§17.7 and 17.8, Examples 15, 17, 19, and 20). …
    6: Bibliography F
  • FDLIBM (free C library)
  • S. Fempl (1960) Sur certaines sommes des intégral-cosinus. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 12, pp. 13–20 (French).
  • H. E. Fettis and J. C. Caslin (1964) Tables of Elliptic Integrals of the First, Second, and Third Kind. Technical report Technical Report ARL 64-232, Aerospace Research Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
  • P. J. Forrester and N. S. Witte (2004) Application of the τ -function theory of Painlevé equations to random matrices: P VI , the JUE, CyUE, cJUE and scaled limits. Nagoya Math. J. 174, pp. 29–114.
  • G. Freud (1969) On weighted polynomial approximation on the whole real axis. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 20, pp. 223–225.
  • 7: 26.10 Integer Partitions: Other Restrictions
    where the sum is over nonnegative integer values of k for which n 1 2 ( 3 k 2 ± k ) 0 . … where the sum is over nonnegative integer values of k for which n ( 3 k 2 ± k ) 0 . … where the sum is over nonnegative integer values of m for which n 1 2 k m 2 m + 1 2 k m 0 . …
    §26.10(v) Limiting Form
    The quantity A k ( n ) is real-valued. …