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differentiable functions


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21: 30.14 Wave Equation in Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates
If b 1 = b 2 = 0 , then the function (30.13.8) is a twice-continuously differentiable solution of (30.13.7) in the entire ( x , y , z ) -space. …
22: 30.13 Wave Equation in Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates
If b 1 = b 2 = 0 , then the function (30.13.8) is a twice-continuously differentiable solution of (30.13.7) in the entire ( x , y , z ) -space. …
23: 18.32 OP’s with Respect to Freud Weights
§18.32 OP’s with Respect to Freud Weights
A Freud weight is a weight function of the form …where Q ( x ) is real, even, nonnegative, and continuously differentiable, where x Q ( x ) increases for x > 0 , and Q ( x ) as x , see Freud (1969). …However, for asymptotic approximations in terms of elementary functions for the OP’s, and also for their largest zeros, see Levin and Lubinsky (2001) and Nevai (1986). For a uniform asymptotic expansion in terms of Airy functions9.2) for the OP’s in the case Q ( x ) = x 4 see Bo and Wong (1999). …
24: Bibliography
  • J. Abad and J. Sesma (1995) Computation of the regular confluent hypergeometric function. The Mathematica Journal 5 (4), pp. 74–76.
  • M. Abramowitz (1954) Regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions expressed in terms of Bessel-Clifford functions. J. Math. Physics 33, pp. 111–116.
  • Z. Altaç (1996) Integrals involving Bickley and Bessel functions in radiative transfer, and generalized exponential integral functions. J. Heat Transfer 118 (3), pp. 789–792.
  • G. D. Anderson, M. K. Vamanamurthy, and M. Vuorinen (1992a) Functional inequalities for hypergeometric functions and complete elliptic integrals. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 23 (2), pp. 512–524.
  • V. I. Arnol’d, S. M. Guseĭn-Zade, and A. N. Varchenko (1988) Singularities of Differentiable Maps. Vol. II. Birkhäuser, Boston-Berlin.
  • 25: 10.20 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
    §10.20 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
    that is infinitely differentiable on the interval 0 < z < , including z = 1 . … In this way there is less usage of many-valued functions. … Each of the coefficients A k ( ζ ) , B k ( ζ ) , C k ( ζ ) , and D k ( ζ ) , k = 0 , 1 , 2 , , is real and infinitely differentiable on the interval < ζ < . …
    §10.20(iii) Double Asymptotic Properties
    26: 2.4 Contour Integrals
    On the interval 0 < t < let q ( t ) be differentiable and e c t q ( t ) be absolutely integrable, where c is a real constant. … Now assume that c > 0 and we are given a function Q ( z ) that is both analytic and has the expansion …Assume also (2.4.4) is differentiable. … For large t , the asymptotic expansion of q ( t ) may be obtained from (2.4.3) by Haar’s method. This depends on the availability of a comparison function F ( z ) for Q ( z ) that has an inverse transform … and assigning an appropriate value to c to modify the contour, the approximating integral is reducible to an Airy function or a Scorer function (§§9.2, 9.12). …
    27: 3.3 Interpolation
    If f and the z k ( = x k ) are real, and f is n times continuously differentiable on a closed interval containing the x k , then …
    For interpolation of a bounded function f on the cardinal function of f is defined by …where …is called the Sinc function. …
    28: 10.43 Integrals
    §10.43(i) Indefinite Integrals
    §10.43(iii) Fractional Integrals
    The Kontorovich–Lebedev transform of a function g ( x ) is defined as …
  • (a)

    On the interval 0 < x < , x 1 g ( x ) is continuously differentiable and each of x g ( x ) and x d ( x 1 g ( x ) ) / d x is absolutely integrable.

  • 29: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    Given the power moments, μ n = a b x n d μ ( x ) , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , , can these be used to find a unique μ ( x ) , a non-decreasing, real, function of x , in the case that the moment problem is determined? Should a unique solution not exist the moment problem is then indeterminant. … In what follows we consider only the simple, illustrative, case that μ ( x ) is continuously differentiable so that d μ ( x ) = w ( x ) d x , with w ( x ) real, positive, and continuous on a real interval [ a , b ] . The strategy will be to: 1) use the moments to determine the recursion coefficients α n , β n of equations (18.2.11_5) and (18.2.11_8); then, 2) to construct the quadrature abscissas x i and weights (or Christoffel numbers) w i from the J-matrix of §3.5(vi), equations (3.5.31) and(3.5.32). … The question is then: how is this possible given only F N ( z ) , rather than F ( z ) itself? F N ( z ) often converges to smooth results for z off the real axis for z at a distance greater than the pole spacing of the x n , this may then be followed by approximate numerical analytic continuation via fitting to lower order continued fractions (either Padé, see §3.11(iv), or pointwise continued fraction approximants, see Schlessinger (1968, Appendix)), to F N ( z ) and evaluating these on the real axis in regions of higher pole density that those of the approximating function. … H ( x ) being the Heaviside step-function, see (1.16.13). … The example chosen is inversion from the α n , β n for the weight function for the repulsive Coulomb–Pollaczek, RCP, polynomials of (18.39.50). …
    30: 2.10 Sums and Sequences
    Then …
    §2.10(iii) Asymptotic Expansions of Entire Functions
    Hence … We need a “comparison function g ( z ) with the properties: … Secondly, when f ( z ) g ( z ) is m times continuously differentiable on | z | = r the result (2.10.29) can be strengthened. …