►Minimax polynomial approximations (§3.11(i)) for and in terms of with can be found in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, §17.3) with maximum absoluteerrors ranging from 4×10⁻⁵ to 2×10⁻⁸.
Approximations of the same type for and for are given in Cody (1965a) with maximum absoluteerrors ranging from 4×10⁻⁵ to 4×10⁻¹⁸.
►Also in this arithmetic generalized precision can be defined, which includes absoluteerror and relative precision (§3.1(v)) as special cases.
►If is an approximation to a real or complex number , then the absoluteerror is
DiDonato (1978) gives a simple approximation for the function
(which is
related to the incomplete gamma function by a change of variables) for real
and large positive . This takes the form ,
approximately, where and is
shown to produce an absoluteerror
as .
►►►Figure 18.40.2: Derivative Rule inversions for carried out via Lagrange and PWCF interpolations.
Shown are the absoluteerrors of approximation (18.40.8) at the points , for .
has a simple zero at , and in the first quadrant of there is an infinite set of zeros , , arranged in order of increasing absolute value.
►In the sector , has an infinite set of zeros , , arranged in order of increasing absolute value.
►is finite and bounded for , then the th error term (that is, the difference between the integral and th partial sum in (2.3.2)) is bounded in absolute value by when exceeds both and .
►In both cases the th error term is bounded in absolute value by , where the variational
is defined by
§10.40(ii) Error Bounds for Real Argument and Order
►Then the remainder term does not exceed the first neglected term in absolute value and has the same sign provided that .
►For the error term in (10.40.1) see §10.40(iii).
§10.40(iii) Error Bounds for Complex Argument and Order
§10.17(iii) Error Bounds for Real Argument and
►If these expansions are terminated when , then the remainder term is bounded in absolute value by the first neglected term, provided that .
§10.17(iv) Error Bounds for Complex Argument and
►Corresponding error bounds for (10.17.3) and (10.17.4) are obtainable by combining (10.17.13) and (10.17.14) with (10.4.4).
►For higher re-expansions of the remainder terms see Olde Daalhuis and Olver (1995a) and Olde Daalhuis (1995, 1996).
The integrand was corrected so that the absolute value does not include the
differential. Also an absolute value was introduced on the right-hand side to
ensure a non-negative value.