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sum rule


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1: 34.7 Basic Properties: 9 j Symbol
This equation is the sum rule. It constitutes an addition theorem for the 9 j symbol. …
2: 34.5 Basic Properties: 6 j Symbol
Equations (34.5.15) and (34.5.16) are the sum rules. They constitute addition theorems for the 6 j symbol. …
3: Bibliography R
  • K. Rottbrand (2000) Finite-sum rules for Macdonald’s functions and Hankel’s symbols. Integral Transform. Spec. Funct. 10 (2), pp. 115–124.
  • 4: 1.2 Elementary Algebra
    This is the row times column rule. … If det ( 𝐀 ) = 0 then, depending on 𝐜 , there is either no solution or there are infinitely many solutions, being the sum of a particular solution of (1.2.61) and any solution of 𝐀 𝐛 = 𝟎 . … Nonzero vectors 𝐯 1 , , 𝐯 n are linearly independent if i = 1 n c i 𝐯 i = 𝟎 implies that all coefficients c i are zero. …The sum of all multiplicities is n . … Thus tr ( 𝐀 ) is the sum of the (counted according to their multiplicities) eigenvalues of 𝐀 . …
    5: 29.20 Methods of Computation
    A second approach is to solve the continued-fraction equations typified by (29.3.10) by Newton’s rule or other iterative methods; see §3.8. …The Fourier series may be summed using Clenshaw’s algorithm; see §3.11(ii). …
    6: 3.5 Quadrature
    §3.5(i) Trapezoidal Rules
    The composite trapezoidal rule is …
    §3.5(ii) Simpson’s Rule
    §3.5(iv) Interpolatory Quadrature Rules
    7: 17.2 Calculus
    17.2.36 j = 0 n ( n j ) ( z ) j = ( 1 z ) n .
    Product Rule
    Leibniz Rule
    17.2.45 0 1 f ( x ) d q x = ( 1 q ) j = 0 f ( q j ) q j ,
    provided that j = f ( q j ) q j converges. …
    8: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
    Chain Rule
    where the sum is over all nonnegative integers m 1 , m 2 , , m n that satisfy m 1 + 2 m 2 + + n m n = n , and k = m 1 + m 2 + + m n .
    L’Hôpital’s Rule
    Definite integrals over the Stieltjes measure d α ( x ) could represent a sum, an integral, or a combination of the two. Let d α ( x ) = w ( x ) d x + n = 1 N w n δ ( x x n ) d x , x n ( a , b ) , n = 1 , N . …
    9: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
    where 𝐧 is the unit vector normal to 𝐚 and 𝐛 whose direction is determined by the right-hand rule; see Figure 1.6.1.
    See accompanying text
    Figure 1.6.1: Vector notation. Right-hand rule for cross products. Magnify
    In almost all cases of repeated suffices, we can suppress the summation notation entirely, if it is understood that an implicit sum is to be taken over any repeated suffix. Thus pairs of indefinite suffices in an expression are resolved by being summed over (or “traced” over). …
    10: 3.3 Interpolation
    3.3.1 P n ( z ) = k = 0 n k ( z ) f k = ω n + 1 ( z ) k = 0 n ω ~ k z z k f k = k = 0 n ω ~ k f k z z k / k = 0 n ω ~ k z z k ,
    3.3.3_2 1 = k = 0 n k ( z ) = ω n + 1 ( z ) k = 0 n ω ~ k z z k ,
    3.3.4 f ( z ) = k = 0 n k ( z ) f k + R n ( z ) .
    and compute an approximation to a 1 by using Newton’s rule3.8(ii)) with starting value x = 2.5 . …Then by using x 3 in Newton’s interpolation formula, evaluating [ x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ] f = 0.26608 28233 and recomputing f ( x ) , another application of Newton’s rule with starting value x 3 gives the approximation x = 2.33810 7373 , with 8 correct digits. …