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1: 36.5 Stokes Sets
§36.5(iii) Umbilics
Elliptic Umbilic Stokes Set (Codimension three)
This consists of three separate cusp-edged sheets connected to the cusp-edged sheets of the bifurcation set, and related by rotation about the z -axis by 2 π / 3 . One of the sheets is symmetrical under reflection in the plane y = 0 , and is given by … Red and blue numbers in each region correspond, respectively, to the numbers of real and complex critical points that contribute to the asymptotics of the canonical integral away from the bifurcation sets. …
2: 19.36 Methods of Computation
§19.36 Methods of Computation
Because of cancellations in (19.26.21) it is advisable to compute R G from R F and R D by (19.21.10) or else to use §19.36(ii). Legendre’s integrals can be computed from symmetric integrals by using the relations in §19.25(i). … For computation of Legendre’s integral of the third kind, see Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, §§17.7 and 17.8, Examples 15, 17, 19, and 20). …
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