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over finite intervals


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1: 10.22 Integrals
§10.22(ii) Integrals over Finite Intervals
2: 10.43 Integrals
§10.43(ii) Integrals over the Intervals ( 0 , x ) and ( x , )
3: 2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
and for simplicity ξ is assumed to range over a finite or infinite interval ( α 1 , α 2 ) with α 1 < 0 , α 2 > 0 . …
4: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
where x is a spatial coordinate, m the mass of the particle with potential energy V ( x ) , = h / ( 2 π ) is the reduced Planck’s constant, and ( a , b ) a finite or infinite interval. …
5: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
Two elements u and v in V are orthogonal if u , v = 0 . … Consider the second order differential operator acting on real functions of x in the finite interval [ a , b ] Let X = ( a , b ) be a finite or infinite open interval in . … More generally, continuous spectra may occur in sets of disjoint finite intervals [ λ a , λ b ] ( 0 , ) , often called bands, when q ( x ) is periodic, see Ashcroft and Mermin (1976, Ch 8) and Kittel (1996, Ch 7). … We assume a continuous spectrum λ 𝝈 c = [ 0 , ) , and a finite or countably infinite point spectrum 𝝈 p with elements λ n . …
6: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
where the supremum is over all sets of points x 0 < x 1 < < x n in the closure of ( a , b ) , that is, ( a , b ) with a , b added when they are finite. …
7: 2.1 Definitions and Elementary Properties
If c is a finite limit point of 𝐗 , then … For (2.1.14) 𝐗 can be the positive real axis or any unbounded sector in of finite angle. … Similarly for finite limit point c in place of . … where c is a finite, or infinite, limit point of 𝐗 . … Many properties enjoyed by Poincaré expansions (for example, multiplication) do not always carry over. …
8: 24.17 Mathematical Applications
Let 0 h 1 and a , m , and n be integers such that n > a , m > 0 , and f ( m ) ( x ) is absolutely integrable over [ a , n ] . …
Calculus of Finite Differences
Let 𝒮 n denote the class of functions that have n 1 continuous derivatives on and are polynomials of degree at most n in each interval ( k , k + 1 ) , k . …
9: 2.4 Contour Integrals
The result in §2.3(ii) carries over to a complex parameter z . … is seen to converge absolutely at each limit, and be independent of σ [ c , ) . … in which a is finite, b is finite or infinite, and ω is the angle of slope of 𝒫 at a , that is, lim ( ph ( t a ) ) as t a along 𝒫 . …
  • (b)

    z ranges along a ray or over an annular sector θ 1 θ θ 2 , | z | Z , where θ = ph z , θ 2 θ 1 < π , and Z > 0 . I ( z ) converges at b absolutely and uniformly with respect to z .

  • (c)

    Excluding t = a , ( e i θ p ( t ) e i θ p ( a ) ) is positive when t 𝒫 , and is bounded away from zero uniformly with respect to θ [ θ 1 , θ 2 ] as t b along 𝒫 .

  • 10: 1.5 Calculus of Two or More Variables
    Finite Integrals
    Suppose that a , b , c are finite, d is finite or + , and f ( x , y ) , f / x are continuous on the partly-closed rectangle or infinite strip [ a , b ] × [ c , d ) . … Then the double integral of f ( x , y ) over R is defined by … Moreover, if a , b , c , d are finite or infinite constants and f ( x , y ) is piecewise continuous on the set ( a , b ) × ( c , d ) , then … Finite and infinite integrals can be defined in a similar way. …