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nonuniformity of convergence


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21: 33.8 Continued Fractions
The continued fraction (33.8.1) converges for all finite values of ρ , and (33.8.2) converges for all ρ 0 . … The ambiguous sign in (33.8.4) has to agree with that of the final denominator in (33.8.1) when the continued fraction has converged to the required precision. …
22: 15.15 Sums
Here z 0 ( 0 ) is an arbitrary complex constant and the expansion converges when | z z 0 | > max ( | z 0 | , | z 0 1 | ) . …
23: 9.17 Methods of Computation
Although the Maclaurin-series expansions of §§9.4 and 9.12(vi) converge for all finite values of z , they are cumbersome to use when | z | is large owing to slowness of convergence and cancellation. …
24: 11.13 Methods of Computation
Although the power-series expansions (11.2.1) and (11.2.2), and the Bessel-function expansions of §11.4(iv) converge for all finite values of z , they are cumbersome to use when | z | is large owing to slowness of convergence and cancellation. …
25: 1.8 Fourier Series
(1.8.10) continues to apply if either a or b or both are infinite and/or f ( x ) has finitely many singularities in ( a , b ) , provided that the integral converges uniformly (§1.5(iv)) at a , b , and the singularities for all sufficiently large λ .
§1.8(ii) Convergence
Then the series (1.8.1) converges to the sum …The convergence is non-uniform, however, at points where f ( x ) f ( x + ) ; see §6.16(i). … For other tests for convergence see Titchmarsh (1962b, pp. 405–410). …
26: 28.19 Expansions in Series of me ν + 2 n Functions
The series (28.19.2) converges absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets within S . …
27: 28.30 Expansions in Series of Eigenfunctions
Then every continuous 2 π -periodic function f ( x ) whose second derivative is square-integrable over the interval [ 0 , 2 π ] can be expanded in a uniformly and absolutely convergent series …
28: 29.20 Methods of Computation
The approximations converge geometrically (§3.8(i)) to the eigenvalues and coefficients of Lamé functions as n . …
29: 13.31 Approximations
For a discussion of the convergence of the Padé approximants that are related to the continued fraction (13.5.1) see Wimp (1985). … In Luke (1977a) the following rational approximation is given, together with its rate of convergence. …
30: 28.14 Fourier Series
converge absolutely and uniformly on all compact sets in the z -plane. … The rate of convergence is indicated by …