matrix exponential
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1: 1.1 Special Notation
►In the physics, applied maths, and engineering literature a common alternative to is , being a complex number or a matrix; the Hermitian conjugate of is usually being denoted .
real variables. | |
… | |
inverse of the square matrix | |
identity matrix | |
determinant of the square matrix | |
trace of the square matrix | |
… |
2: 1.2 Elementary Algebra
The Matrix Exponential and the Exponential of the Trace
►The matrix exponential is defined via ►
3: 35.6 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
4: 35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
5: 35.5 Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument
6: 35.1 Special Notation
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the multivariate gamma and beta functions, respectively and , and the special functions of matrix argument: Bessel (of the first kind) and (of the second kind) ; confluent hypergeometric (of the first kind) or and (of the second kind) ; Gaussian hypergeometric or ; generalized hypergeometric or .
►Related notations for the Bessel functions are (Faraut and Korányi (1994, pp. 320–329)), (Terras (1988, pp. 49–64)), and (Faraut and Korányi (1994, pp. 357–358)).
complex variables. | |
… | |
zero matrix. | |
identity matrix. | |
… |
7: 35.2 Laplace Transform
8: 21.3 Symmetry and Quasi-Periodicity
9: 19.31 Probability Distributions