in terms of Bessel functions of variable order
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1: 10.72 Mathematical Applications
►In regions in which (10.72.1) has a simple turning point , that is, and are analytic (or with weaker conditions if is a real variable) and is a simple zero of , asymptotic expansions of the solutions for large can be constructed in terms of Airy functions or equivalently Bessel functions or modified Bessel functions of order
►Then for large asymptotic approximations of the solutions can be constructed in terms of Bessel functions, or modified Bessel functions, of variable order (in fact the order depends on and ).
2: 2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
►For further examples of uniform asymptotic approximations in terms of parabolic cylinder functions see §§13.20(iii), 13.20(iv), 14.15(v), 15.12(iii), 18.24.
►For further examples of uniform asymptotic approximations in terms of Bessel functions or modified Bessel functions of variable order see §§13.21(ii), 14.15(ii), 14.15(iv), 14.20(viii), 30.9(i), 30.9(ii).
3: 33.20 Expansions for Small
§33.20(i) Case
… ►where is given by (33.14.11), (33.14.12), and …The functions and are as in §§10.2(ii), 10.25(ii), and the coefficients are given by (33.20.6). ►§33.20(iv) Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
… ►These expansions are in terms of elementary functions, Airy functions, and Bessel functions of orders and .4: 33.12 Asymptotic Expansions for Large
►Then as ,
►For derivations and additional terms in the expansions in this subsection see Abramowitz and Rabinowitz (1954) and Fröberg (1955).
►The first set is in terms of Airy functions and the expansions are uniform for fixed and , where is an arbitrary small positive constant.
►The second set is in terms of Bessel functions of orders
and , and they are uniform for fixed and , where again denotes an arbitrary small positive constant.
5: 10.68 Modulus and Phase Functions
►where , , , and are continuous real functions of and , with the branches of and chosen to satisfy (10.68.18) and (10.68.21) as .
►Equations (10.68.8)–(10.68.14) also hold with the symbols , , , and replaced throughout by , , , and , respectively.
In place of (10.68.7),
►Additional properties of the modulus and phase functions are given in Young and Kirk (1964, pp. xi–xv).
…Thus this reference gives (Eq.
6: 10.40 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Argument
… ►§10.40(ii) Error Bounds for Real Argument and Order
… ►For the error term in (10.40.1) see §10.40(iii). ►§10.40(iii) Error Bounds for Complex Argument and Order
… ►For higher re-expansions of the remainder term see Olde Daalhuis and Olver (1995a), Olde Daalhuis (1995, 1996), and Paris (2001a, b).7: 10.19 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
§10.19 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
►§10.19(i) Asymptotic Forms
… ►§10.19(ii) Debye’s Expansions
… ►§10.19(iii) Transition Region
… ►See also §10.20(i).8: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
►However, by using Hirota’s technique of bilinear formalism of soliton theory, Nakamura (1996) shows that a wide class of exact solutions of the Toda equation can be expressed in terms of various special functions, and in particular classical OP’s.
►The orthogonality relations (34.5.14) for the symbols can be rewritten in terms of orthogonality relations for Racah polynomials as given by (18.25.9)–(18.25.12).
►The Dunkl operator, introduced by Dunkl (1989), is an operator associated with reflection groups or root systems which has terms involving first order partial derivatives and reflection terms.
►where the Bessel function
is defined in (10.2.2).
9: Guide to Searching the DLMF
►If you do not want a term or a sequence of terms in your query to undergo math processing, you should quote them as a phrase.
►For example, for the Bessel function
, you can write
Terms, Phrases and Expressions
… ►a textual word, a number, or a math symbol.
, BesselK_n(z)
, BesselK(n,z)
, or BesselK[n,z]
Single-letter terms
10: 14.15 Uniform Asymptotic Approximations