diffraction problems
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1: 28.33 Physical Applications
McLachlan (1947, Chapters XVI–XIX) for applications of the wave equation to vibrational systems, electrical and thermal diffusion, electromagnetic wave guides, elliptical cylinders in viscous fluids, and diffraction of sound and electromagnetic waves.
2: Bibliography H
Error bounds for asymptotic approximations of zeros of Hankel functions occurring in diffraction problems.
J. Mathematical Phys. 11 (8), pp. 2501–2504.
3: Bibliography L
On incomplete Airy functions and their application to diffraction problems.
Radio Sci. 4 (10), pp. 959–969.
4: Bibliography F
Electromagnetic Diffraction and Propagation Problems.
International Series of Monographs on Electromagnetic Waves,
Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
5: 11.12 Physical Applications
►Applications of Struve functions occur in water-wave and surface-wave problems (Hirata (1975) and Ahmadi and Widnall (1985)), unsteady aerodynamics (Shaw (1985) and Wehausen and Laitone (1960)), distribution of fluid pressure over a vibrating disk (McLachlan (1934)), resistive MHD instability theory (Paris and Sy (1983)), and optical diffraction (Levine and Schwinger (1948)).
6: 7.21 Physical Applications
§7.21 Physical Applications
… ►Fresnel integrals and Cornu’s spiral occurred originally in the analysis of the diffraction of light; see Born and Wolf (1999, §8.7). … ►These applications include astrophysics, plasma diagnostics, neutron diffraction, laser spectroscopy, and surface scattering. …7: 9.16 Physical Applications
►Extensive use is made of Airy functions in investigations in the theory of electromagnetic diffraction and radiowave propagation (Fock (1965)).
…A quite different application is made in the study of the diffraction of sound pulses by a circular cylinder (Friedlander (1958)).
►These examples of transitions to turbulence are presented in detail in Drazin and Reid (1981) with the problem of hydrodynamic stability.
►Airy functions play a prominent role in problems defined by nonlinear wave equations.
►An application of the Scorer functions is to the problem of the uniform loading of infinite plates (Rothman (1954b, a)).
8: Bibliography R
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Publishing House of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev.
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Bell System Tech. J. 33, pp. 417–504.
The problem of an infinite plate under an inclined loading, with tables of the integrals of and
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9: Bibliography B
Stokes surfaces of diffraction catastrophes with codimension three.
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The elliptic umbilic diffraction catastrophe.
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Catastrophe optics: Morphologies of caustics and their diffraction patterns.
In Progress in Optics, E. Wolf (Ed.),
Vol. 18, pp. 257–346.
Some Geometric Aspects of Wave Motion: Wavefront Dislocations, Diffraction Catastrophes, Diffractals.
In Geometry of the Laplace Operator (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.,
Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1979),
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10: Bibliography S
Lamé polynomial solutions to some elliptic crack and punch problems.
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Perturbational results for diffraction of water-waves by nearly-vertical barriers.
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The Problem of Moments.
4th edition, American Mathematical Society Mathematical Surveys, Vol. 1, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.
Some Boundary Value Problems Associated with the Heun Equation.
Ph.D. Thesis, London University.
Mixed Boundary Value Problems in Potential Theory.
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.