About the Project
About the Project

Brian D. Sleeman

Photograph of Brian D. Sleeman

Brian D. Sleeman (b. 1939 in London, U.K., d. 2021) was Professor Emeritus in the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds, U.K. He was also Honorary Professor, having formerly held the Ivory Chair of Mathematics, at the University of Dundee.

Sleeman was awarded his Ph.D. in 1966 at the University of London where he was advised by Felix Arscott (1922-1996). The title of his Ph.D. thesis was Some Boundary Value Problems Associated with the Heun Equation.

Sleeman published numerous papers in applied analysis, multiparameter spectral theory, direct and inverse scattering theory, and mathematical medicine. He is author of the book Multiparameter spectral theory in Hilbert space, published by Pitman in 1978, and coauthor (with D. S. Jones and M. J. Plank) of Differential equations and mathematical biology, published by CRC Press in 2003, with a second edition in 2010.

Sleeman was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1976 and is the founding editor of the journal Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.

Sleeman is coauthor of the following DLMF Chapter

Sleeman served as Associate Editor for his chapter from 2015 till his death.