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1: 14.1 Special Notation
§14.1 Special Notation
The main functions treated in this chapter are the Legendre functions 𝖯 ν ( x ) , 𝖰 ν ( x ) , P ν ( z ) , Q ν ( z ) ; Ferrers functions 𝖯 ν μ ( x ) , 𝖰 ν μ ( x ) (also known as the Legendre functions on the cut); associated Legendre functions P ν μ ( z ) , Q ν μ ( z ) , 𝑸 ν μ ( z ) ; conical functions 𝖯 1 2 + i τ μ ( x ) , 𝖰 1 2 + i τ μ ( x ) , 𝖰 ^ 1 2 + i τ μ ( x ) , P 1 2 + i τ μ ( x ) , Q 1 2 + i τ μ ( x ) (also known as Mehler functions). … Magnus et al. (1966) denotes 𝖯 ν μ ( x ) , 𝖰 ν μ ( x ) , P ν μ ( z ) , and Q ν μ ( z ) by P ν μ ( x ) , Q ν μ ( x ) , 𝔓 ν μ ( z ) , and 𝔔 ν μ ( z ) , respectively. Hobson (1931) denotes both 𝖯 ν μ ( x ) and P ν μ ( x ) by P ν μ ( x ) ; similarly for 𝖰 ν μ ( x ) and Q ν μ ( x ) .
2: 18.3 Definitions
§18.3 Definitions
This table also includes the following special cases of Jacobi polynomials: ultraspherical, Chebyshev, and Legendre. … For expressions of ultraspherical, Chebyshev, and Legendre polynomials in terms of Jacobi polynomials, see §18.7(i). …
Legendre polynomials are special cases of Legendre functions, Ferrers functions, and associated Legendre functions (§14.7(i)). …
3: 19.2 Definitions
§19.2(ii) Legendre’s Integrals
Also, if k 2 and α 2 are real, then Π ( ϕ , α 2 , k ) is called a circular or hyperbolic case according as α 2 ( α 2 k 2 ) ( α 2 1 ) is negative or positive. … Legendre’s complementary complete elliptic integrals are defined via … Bulirsch’s integrals are linear combinations of Legendre’s integrals that are chosen to facilitate computational application of Bartky’s transformation (Bartky (1938)). … Lastly, corresponding to Legendre’s incomplete integral of the third kind we have …
4: 27.9 Quadratic Characters
§27.9 Quadratic Characters
For an odd prime p , the Legendre symbol ( n | p ) is defined as follows. If p divides n , then the value of ( n | p ) is 0 . If p does not divide n , then ( n | p ) has the value 1 when the quadratic congruence x 2 n ( mod p ) has a solution, and the value 1 when this congruence has no solution. The Legendre symbol ( n | p ) , as a function of n , is a Dirichlet character (mod p ). …
5: 14.21 Definitions and Basic Properties
§14.21(i) Associated Legendre Equation
Standard solutions: the associated Legendre functions P ν μ ( z ) , P ν μ ( z ) , 𝑸 ν μ ( z ) , and 𝑸 ν 1 μ ( z ) . …
§14.21(ii) Numerically Satisfactory Solutions
§14.21(iii) Properties
6: 14.7 Integer Degree and Order
§14.7(i) μ = 0
where P n ( x ) is the Legendre polynomial of degree n . …
§14.7(ii) Rodrigues-Type Formulas
§14.7(iv) Generating Functions
7: 14.26 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
§14.26 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
The uniform asymptotic approximations given in §14.15 for P ν μ ( x ) and 𝑸 ν μ ( x ) for 1 < x < are extended to domains in the complex plane in the following references: §§14.15(i) and 14.15(ii), Dunster (2003b); §14.15(iii), Olver (1997b, Chapter 12); §14.15(iv), Boyd and Dunster (1986). …
8: 14.6 Integer Order
§14.6 Integer Order
14.6.6 𝖯 ν m ( x ) = ( 1 x 2 ) m / 2 x 1 x 1 𝖯 ν ( x ) ( d x ) m .
9: 14.31 Other Applications
The conical functions 𝖯 1 2 + i τ m ( x ) appear in boundary-value problems for the Laplace equation in toroidal coordinates (§14.19(i)) for regions bounded by cones, by two intersecting spheres, or by one or two confocal hyperboloids of revolution (Kölbig (1981)). …
§14.31(iii) Miscellaneous
Many additional physical applications of Legendre polynomials and associated Legendre functions include solution of the Helmholtz equation, as well as the Laplace equation, in spherical coordinates (Temme (1996b)), quantum mechanics (Edmonds (1974)), and high-frequency scattering by a sphere (Nussenzveig (1965)). … Legendre functions P ν ( x ) of complex degree ν appear in the application of complex angular momentum techniques to atomic and molecular scattering (Connor and Mackay (1979)).
10: 14.18 Sums
§14.18 Sums
§14.18(ii) Addition Theorems
Dougall’s Expansion