Hermite differential operator
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1: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
►Writing Hermite’s differential equation (see Tables 18.3.1 and 18.8.1) in the form above, the eigenfunctions are ( a Hermite polynomial, ), with eigenvalues , for the differential operator
2: Bibliography R
On Simple Waves with Profiles in the form of some Special Functions—Chebyshev-Hermite, Mathieu, Whittaker—in Two-phase Media.
In Differential Operators and Related Topics, Vol. I (Odessa,
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 117, pp. 313–322.
3: 18.27 -Hahn Class
►In the -Hahn class OP’s the role of the operator
in the Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hermite cases is played by the -derivative , as defined in (17.2.41).
4: 18.3 Definitions
§18.3 Definitions
►The classical OP’s comprise the Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. … ►5: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
Quadrature “Extended” to Pseudo-Spectral (DVR) Representations of Operators in One and Many Dimensions
►The basic ideas of Gaussian quadrature, and their extensions to non-classical weight functions, and the computation of the corresponding quadrature abscissas and weights, have led to discrete variable representations, or DVRs, of Sturm–Liouville and other differential operators. … ►A further operator, the so-called Casimir operator … ►Dunkl Type Operators and Nonsymmetric Orthogonal Polynomials
… ► …6: Bibliography K
Lowering and Raising Operators for Some Special Orthogonal Polynomials.
In Jack, Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald Polynomials,
Contemp. Math., Vol. 417, pp. 227–238.
Fractional integral and generalized Stieltjes transforms for hypergeometric functions as transmutation operators.
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 11, pp. Paper 074, 22.
Jacobi polynomials, Bernstein-type inequalities and dispersion estimates for the discrete Laguerre operator.
Adv. Math. 333, pp. 796–821.
Zeros of exceptional Hermite polynomials.
J. Approx. Theory 200, pp. 28–39.
Construction of differential operators having Bochner-Krall orthogonal polynomials as eigenfunctions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (1), pp. 285–303.
7: Errata
►This especially included updated information on matrix analysis, measure theory, spectral analysis, and a new section on linear second order differential operators and eigenfunction expansions.
►The specific updates to Chapter 1 include the addition of an entirely new subsection §1.18 entitled “Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions” which is a survey of the formal spectral analysis of second order differential operators.
Equation (2.3.6)
Equation (1.4.34)
Subsection 1.16(vii)
The integrand has been corrected so that the absolute value does not include the differential.
Reported by Juan Luis Varona on 2021-02-08
The integrand has been corrected so that the absolute value does not include the differential.
Reported by Tran Quoc Viet on 2020-08-11
Several changes have been made to
8: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
►They are related to Hermite–Padé approximation and can be used for proofs of irrationality or transcendence of interesting numbers.
Type III -Hermite EOP’s
►Hermite EOP’s are defined in terms of classical Hermite OP’s. The type III -Hermite EOP’s, missing polynomial orders and , are the complete set of polynomials, with real coefficients and defined explicitly as … ►Completeness and orthogonality follow from the self-adjointness of the corresponding Schrödinger operator, Gómez-Ullate and Milson (2014), Marquette and Quesne (2013).9: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
►The nature of, and notations and common vocabulary for, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of self-adjoint second order differential operators is overviewed in §1.18.
►The fundamental quantum Schrödinger operator, also called the Hamiltonian, , is a second order differential operator of the form
►c) A Rational SUSY Potential
►Analogous to (18.39.7) the 3D Schrödinger operator is
►The radial operator (18.39.28)
10: 1.17 Integral and Series Representations of the Dirac Delta
►for all functions that are continuous when , and for each , converges absolutely for all sufficiently large values of .
►More generally, assume is piecewise continuous (§1.4(ii)) when for any finite positive real value of , and for each , converges absolutely for all sufficiently large values of .
►provided that is continuous when , and for each , converges absolutely for all sufficiently large values of (as in the case of (1.17.6)).
►In the language of physics and applied mathematics, these equations indicate the normalizations chosen for these non- improper eigenfunctions of the differential operators (with derivatives respect to spatial co-ordinates) which generate them; the normalizations (1.17.12_1) and (1.17.12_2) are explicitly derived in Friedman (1990, Ch. 4), the others follow similarly.