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Chu–Vandermonde identity


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21: 1.1 Special Notation
β–Ί β–Ίβ–Ίβ–Ί
x , y real variables.
𝐈 identity matrix
22: 4.8 Identities
§4.8 Identities
§4.8(i) Logarithms
§4.8(ii) Powers
23: 20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
β–ΊThis is the discrete analog of the Poisson identity1.8(iv)). … β–ΊIn the case z = 0 identities for theta functions become identities in the complex variable q , with | q | < 1 , that involve rational functions, power series, and continued fractions; see Adiga et al. (1985), McKean and Moll (1999, pp. 156–158), and Andrews et al. (1988, §10.7). … β–ΊSimilar identities can be constructed for F 1 2 ⁑ ( 1 3 , 2 3 ; 1 ; k 2 ) , F 1 2 ⁑ ( 1 4 , 3 4 ; 1 ; k 2 ) , and F 1 2 ⁑ ( 1 6 , 5 6 ; 1 ; k 2 ) . …
24: 21.7 Riemann Surfaces
§21.7(ii) Fay’s Trisecant Identity
β–Ίwhere again all integration paths are identical for all components. Generalizations of this identity are given in Fay (1973, Chapter 2). … β–Ί
§21.7(iii) Frobenius’ Identity
25: 16.23 Mathematical Applications
β–ΊMany combinatorial identities, especially ones involving binomial and related coefficients, are special cases of hypergeometric identities. In PetkovΕ‘ek et al. (1996) tools are given for automated proofs of these identities.
26: 21.6 Products
§21.6(i) Riemann Identity
β–ΊThen …This is the Riemann identity. On using theta functions with characteristics, it becomes …Many identities involving products of theta functions can be established using these formulas. …
27: 25.10 Zeros
25.10.1 Z ⁑ ( t ) exp ⁑ ( i ⁒ Ο‘ ⁑ ( t ) ) ⁒ ΞΆ ⁑ ( 1 2 + i ⁒ t ) ,
25.10.2 Ο‘ ⁑ ( t ) ph ⁑ Ξ“ ⁑ ( 1 4 + 1 2 ⁒ i ⁒ t ) 1 2 ⁒ t ⁒ ln ⁑ Ο€
28: 27.8 Dirichlet Characters
27.8.6 r = 1 Ο• ⁑ ( k ) Ο‡ r ⁑ ( m ) ⁒ Ο‡ ¯ r ⁒ ( n ) = { Ο• ⁑ ( k ) , m n ( mod k ) , 0 , otherwise .
β–ΊA Dirichlet character Ο‡ ( mod k ) is called primitive (mod k ) if for every proper divisor d of k (that is, a divisor d < k ), there exists an integer a 1 ( mod d ) , with ( a , k ) = 1 and Ο‡ ⁑ ( a ) 1 . … β–Ί
27.8.7 Ο‡ ⁑ ( a ) = 1 ⁒  for all  a 1  (mod  d ) , ( a , k ) = 1 .
29: 17.14 Constant Term Identities
§17.14 Constant Term Identities
Rogers–Ramanujan Constant Term Identities
30: 27.13 Functions
27.13.5 ( Ο‘ ⁑ ( x ) ) 2 = 1 + n = 1 r 2 ⁑ ( n ) ⁒ x n .
β–ΊOne of Jacobi’s identities implies that … β–ΊAlso, Milne (1996, 2002) announce new infinite families of explicit formulas extending Jacobi’s identities. For more than 8 squares, Milne’s identities are not the same as those obtained earlier by Mordell and others.