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1: Bibliography W
  • J. Walker (1988) Shadows cast on the bottom of a pool are not like other shadows. Why?. Scientific American 259, pp. 86–89.
  • Z. Wang and R. Wong (2003) Asymptotic expansions for second-order linear difference equations with a turning point. Numer. Math. 94 (1), pp. 147–194.
  • Z. Wang and R. Wong (2005) Linear difference equations with transition points. Math. Comp. 74 (250), pp. 629–653.
  • R. Wong and H. Li (1992a) Asymptotic expansions for second-order linear difference equations. II. Stud. Appl. Math. 87 (4), pp. 289–324.
  • R. Wong and H. Li (1992b) Asymptotic expansions for second-order linear difference equations. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 41 (1-2), pp. 65–94.
  • 2: Wadim Zudilin
    He has been an Associate Professor at Moscow State University (Russia), an Ostrowski Fellow at Institut Henri Poincaré and Université Paris 6 (France), a Humboldt Fellow at the Cologne University (Germany) and a Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn (Germany). His research interests are primarily focused on applications of special functions in different parts of number theory. …
    3: Bibliography L
  • N. L. Lepe (1985) Functions on a parabolic cylinder with a negative integer index. Differ. Uravn. 21 (11), pp. 2001–2003, 2024 (Russian).
  • B. M. Levitan and I. S. Sargsjan (1975) Introduction to spectral theory: selfadjoint ordinary differential operators. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 39, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I..
  • L. Lorch and P. Szegő (1964) Monotonicity of the differences of zeros of Bessel functions as a function of order. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (1), pp. 91–96.
  • D. W. Lozier (1980) Numerical Solution of Linear Difference Equations. NBSIR Technical Report 80-1976, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
  • N. A. Lukaševič (1971) The second Painlevé equation. Differ. Uravn. 7 (6), pp. 1124–1125 (Russian).
  • 4: 19.29 Reduction of General Elliptic Integrals
    (This shows why I ( 𝐞 α ) is not needed as a basic integral in the cubic case.) …
    5: 28.27 Addition Theorems
    Addition theorems provide important connections between Mathieu functions with different parameters and in different coordinate systems. …
    6: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
    For T to be actually self adjoint it is necessary to also show that 𝒟 ( T ) = 𝒟 ( T ) , as it is often the case that T and T have different domains, see Friedman (1990, p 148) for a simple example of such differences involving the differential operator d d x . … This work is well overviewed by Coddington and Levinson (1955, Ch. 9), and then applied in detail by Titchmarsh (1946), Titchmarsh (1962a), Titchmarsh (1958), and Levitan and Sargsjan (1975) which also connects the Weyl theory to the relevant functional analysis. …
    7: Charles W. Clark
    He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, a Dr. Lee Fellow at Christ Church College of the University of Oxford, and Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore. …
    8: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
    §3.6 Linear Difference Equations
    The difference equation … …
    9: Leonard C. Maximon
    He had been an Assistant Professor in the Graduate Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University, a Visiting Professor at the Norwegian Technical University in Trondheim, Norway, and a Physicist at the Center for Radiation Research at the National Bureau of Standards. …
    10: 18.1 Notation
    x -Differences
    Forward differences: … Backward differences: … Central differences in imaginary direction: … In Koekoek et al. (2010) δ x denotes the operator i δ x .