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1: 4.2 Definitions
§4.2(iv) Powers
Powers with General Bases
The general a th power of z is defined by …The principal value is … …
2: 3.10 Continued Fractions
§3.10(ii) Relations to Power Series
Stieltjes Fractions
We say that it corresponds to the formal power series …if the expansion of its n th convergent C n in ascending powers of z agrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in z n 1 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . … We say that it is associated with the formal power series f ( z ) in (3.10.7) if the expansion of its n th convergent C n in ascending powers of z , agrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in z 2 n 1 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . …
3: 27.13 Functions
This problem is named after Edward Waring who, in 1770, stated without proof and with limited numerical evidence, that every positive integer n is the sum of four squares, of nine cubes, of nineteen fourth powers, and so on. … Hardy and Littlewood (1925) conjectures that G ( k ) < 2 k + 1 when k is not a power of 2, and that G ( k ) 4 k when k is a power of 2, but the most that is known (in 2009) is G ( k ) < c k ln k for some constant c . … Mordell (1917) notes that r k ( n ) is the coefficient of x n in the power-series expansion of the k th power of the series for ϑ ( x ) . …
4: 12.18 Methods of Computation
These include the use of power-series expansions, recursion, integral representations, differential equations, asymptotic expansions, and expansions in series of Bessel functions. …
5: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
§1.9(v) Infinite Sequences and Series
§1.9(vi) Power Series
Lastly, a power series can be differentiated any number of times within its circle of convergence: …
6: 6.6 Power Series
§6.6 Power Series
7: Guide to Searching the DLMF
Wildcards allow matching patterns and marking parts of an expression that don’t matter (as for example, which variable name the author uses for a function): … You can use in math queries all the symbols and commands defined in  (you can omit the \ ), and some additional convenient ones, as well as the special functions’ names:
Table 3: A sample of recognized symbols
Symbols Comments
_, ^ For subscripting and superscripting (power)
DLMF search is generally case-insensitive except when it is important to be case-sensitive, as when two different special functions have the same standard names but one name has a lower-case initial and the other is has an upper-case initial, such as si and Si, gamma and Gamma. … Sometimes there are distinctions between various special function names based on font style, such as the use of bold or calligraphic letters. …
8: 16.25 Methods of Computation
Methods for computing the functions of the present chapter include power series, asymptotic expansions, integral representations, differential equations, and recurrence relations. …
9: 14.32 Methods of Computation
In particular, for small or moderate values of the parameters μ and ν the power-series expansions of the various hypergeometric function representations given in §§14.3(i)14.3(iii), 14.19(ii), and 14.20(i) can be selected in such a way that convergence is stable, and reasonably rapid, especially when the argument of the functions is real. In other cases recurrence relations (§14.10) provide a powerful method when applied in a stable direction (§3.6); see Olver and Smith (1983) and Gautschi (1967). …
10: 24.20 Tables
§24.20 Tables