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residual vector


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1: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
§1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
§1.6(i) Vectors
Unit Vectors
Cross Product (or Vector Product)
§1.6(ii) Vectors: Alternative Notations
2: 3.2 Linear Algebra
Iterative Refinement
Because of rounding errors, the residual vector 𝐫 = 𝐛 𝐀 𝐱 is nonzero as a rule. … The p -norm of a vector 𝐱 = [ x 1 , , x n ] T is given by … The sensitivity of the solution vector 𝐱 in (3.2.1) to small perturbations in the matrix 𝐀 and the vector 𝐛 is measured by the condition numberLet 𝐱 denote a computed solution of the system (3.2.1), with 𝐫 = 𝐛 𝐀 𝐱 again denoting the residual. …
3: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
A complex linear vector space V is called an inner product space if an inner product u , v is defined for all u , v V with the properties: (i) u , v is complex linear in u ; (ii) u , v = v , u ¯ ; (iii) v , v 0 ; (iv) if v , v = 0 then v = 0 . … V becomes a normed linear vector space. If v = 1 then v is normalized. …
  • 3.

    The residual spectrum. It consists of all z for which z T is injective, but does not have dense range.

  • If T is self-adjoint (bounded or unbounded) then σ ( T ) is a closed subset of and the residual spectrum is empty. …
    4: 1.2 Elementary Algebra
    §1.2(v) Matrices, Vectors, Scalar Products, and Norms
    Row and Column Vectors
    and the corresponding transposed row vector of length n is … Two vectors 𝐮 and 𝐯 are orthogonal if …
    Vector Norms
    5: Bibliography L
  • E. Lindelöf (1905) Le Calcul des Résidus et ses Applications à la Théorie des Fonctions. Gauthier-Villars, Paris (French).
  • A. E. Lynas-Gray (1993) VOIGTL – A fast subroutine for Voigt function evaluation on vector processors. Comput. Phys. Comm. 75 (1-2), pp. 135–142.
  • 6: 1.1 Special Notation
    x , y real variables.
    f , g inner, or scalar, product for real or complex vectors or functions.
    𝐮 , 𝐯 column vectors.
    𝐄 n the space of all n -dimensional vectors.
    7: 21.1 Special Notation
    g , h positive integers.
    𝜶 , 𝜷 g -dimensional vectors, with all elements in [ 0 , 1 ) , unless stated otherwise.
    a j j th element of vector 𝐚 .
    𝐚 𝐛 scalar product of the vectors 𝐚 and 𝐛 .
    S g set of g -dimensional vectors with elements in S .
    Lowercase boldface letters or numbers are g -dimensional real or complex vectors, either row or column depending on the context. …
    8: 21.6 Products
    that is, 𝒟 is the number of elements in the set containing all h -dimensional vectors obtained by multiplying 𝐓 T on the right by a vector with integer elements. Two such vectors are considered equivalent if their difference is a vector with integer elements. …where 𝐜 j and 𝐝 j are arbitrary h -dimensional vectors. … Then …Thus 𝝂 is a g -dimensional vector whose entries are either 0 or 1 . …
    9: 1.3 Determinants, Linear Operators, and Spectral Expansions
    Linear Operators in Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
    Square matices can be seen as linear operators because 𝐀 ( α 𝐚 + β 𝐛 ) = α 𝐀 𝐚 + β 𝐀 𝐛 for all α , β and 𝐚 , 𝐛 𝐄 n , the space of all n -dimensional vectors. … The adjoint of a matrix 𝐀 is the matrix 𝐀 such that 𝐀 𝐚 , 𝐛 = 𝐚 , 𝐀 𝐛 for all 𝐚 , 𝐛 𝐄 n . … Assuming { 𝐚 i } is an orthonormal basis in 𝐄 n , any vector 𝐮 may be expanded as
    1.3.20 𝐮 = i = 1 n c i 𝐚 i , c i = 𝐮 , 𝐚 i .
    10: 21.3 Symmetry and Quasi-Periodicity
    21.3.4 θ [ 𝜶 + 𝐦 1 𝜷 + 𝐦 2 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) = e 2 π i 𝜶 𝐦 2 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) .
    21.3.5 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 + 𝐦 1 + 𝛀 𝐦 2 | 𝛀 ) = e 2 π i ( 𝜶 𝐦 1 𝜷 𝐦 2 1 2 𝐦 2 𝛀 𝐦 2 𝐦 2 𝐳 ) θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) .
    21.3.6 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) = ( 1 ) 4 𝜶 𝜷 θ [ 𝜶 𝜷 ] ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) .