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expansions in partial fractions


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11: 2.4 Contour Integrals
In consequence, the asymptotic expansion obtained from (2.4.14) is no longer null. … The final expansion then has the form … Suppose that on the integration path 𝒫 there are two simple zeros of p ( α , t ) / t that coincide for a certain value α ^ of α . … with a and b chosen so that the zeros of p ( α , t ) / t correspond to the zeros w 1 ( α ) , w 2 ( α ) , say, of the quadratic w 2 + 2 a w + b . … For a symbolic method for evaluating the coefficients in the asymptotic expansions see Vidūnas and Temme (2002). …
12: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
§3.11(ii) Chebyshev-Series Expansions
the expansionIn fact, (3.11.11) is the Fourier-series expansion of f ( cos θ ) ; compare (3.11.6) and §1.8(i). … However, in general (3.11.11) affords no advantage in for numerical purposes compared with the Maclaurin expansion of f ( z ) . For further details on Chebyshev-series expansions in the complex plane, see Mason and Handscomb (2003, §5.10). …
13: 19.20 Special Cases
In this subsection, and also §§19.20(ii)19.20(v), the variables of all R -functions satisfy the constraints specified in §19.16(i) unless other conditions are stated. … When the variables are real and distinct, the various cases of R J ( x , y , z , p ) are called circular (hyperbolic) cases if ( p x ) ( p y ) ( p z ) is positive (negative), because they typically occur in conjunction with inverse circular (hyperbolic) functions. Cases encountered in dynamical problems are usually circular; hyperbolic cases include Cauchy principal values. …Since x < y < p < z , p is in a hyperbolic region. In the complete case ( x = 0 ) (19.20.14) reduces to …
14: Errata
  • Subsections 1.15(vi), 1.15(vii), 2.6(iii)

    A number of changes were made with regard to fractional integrals and derivatives. In §1.15(vi) a reference to Miller and Ross (1993) was added, the fractional integral operator of order α was more precisely identified as the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator of order α , and a paragraph was added below (1.15.50) to generalize (1.15.47). In §1.15(vii) the sentence defining the fractional derivative was clarified. In §2.6(iii) the identification of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator was made consistent with §1.15(vi).

  • Equation (15.6.8)

    In §15.6, it was noted that (15.6.8) can be rewritten as a fractional integral.

  • Subsection 13.29(v)

    A new Subsection Continued Fractions, has been added to cover computation of confluent hypergeometric functions by continued fractions.

  • Subsection 15.19(v)

    A new Subsection Continued Fractions, has been added to cover computation of the Gauss hypergeometric functions by continued fractions.

  • Equation (36.10.14)
    36.10.14 3 ( 2 Ψ ( E ) x 2 2 Ψ ( E ) y 2 ) + 2 i z Ψ ( E ) x x Ψ ( E ) = 0

    Originally this equation appeared with Ψ ( H ) x in the second term, rather than Ψ ( E ) x .

    Reported 2010-04-02.

  • 15: 8.19 Generalized Exponential Integral
    For p , z In Figures, height corresponds to the absolute value of the function and color to the phase. …
    §8.19(iv) Series Expansions
    When p
    §8.19(vii) Continued Fraction