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coding theory


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1: 26.19 Mathematical Applications
Partitions and plane partitions have applications to representation theory (Bressoud (1999), Macdonald (1995), and Sagan (2001)) and to special functions (Andrews et al. (1999) and Gasper and Rahman (2004)). Other areas of combinatorial analysis include graph theory, coding theory, and combinatorial designs. …
2: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
Coding Theory
For applications of Krawtchouk polynomials K n ( x ; p , N ) and q -Racah polynomials R n ( x ; α , β , γ , δ | q ) to coding theory see Bannai (1990, pp. 38–43), Leonard (1982), and Chihara (1987). …
3: Bibliography C
  • L. Chihara (1987) On the zeros of the Askey-Wilson polynomials, with applications to coding theory. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1), pp. 191–207.
  • 4: Bibliography B
  • E. Bannai (1990) Orthogonal Polynomials in Coding Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics. In Orthogonal Polynomials (Columbus, OH, 1989), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 294, pp. 25–53.
  • 5: 27.16 Cryptography
    Applications to cryptography rely on the disparity in computer time required to find large primes and to factor large integers. … For this reason, these are often called public key codes. Messages are coded by a method (described below) that requires only the knowledge of n . …For this reason, the codes are considered unbreakable, at least with the current state of knowledge on factoring large numbers. … To code a piece x , raise x to the power r and reduce x r modulo n to obtain an integer y (the coded form of x ) between 1 and n . …
    6: Bibliography S
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  • M. N. Vrahatis, O. Ragos, T. Skiniotis, F. A. Zafiropoulos, and T. N. Grapsa (1997b) The topological degree theory for the localization and computation of complex zeros of Bessel functions. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 18 (1-2), pp. 227–234.
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  • 10: Bibliography
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