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11: 7.12 Asymptotic Expansions
For these and other error bounds see Olver (1997b, pp. 109–112), with α = 1 2 and z replaced by z 2 ; compare (7.11.2). For re-expansions of the remainder terms leading to larger sectors of validity, exponential improvement, and a smooth interpretation of the Stokes phenomenon, see §§2.11(ii)2.11(iv) and use (7.11.3). …
12: Bibliography W
  • R. S. Ward (1987) The Nahm equations, finite-gap potentials and Lamé functions. J. Phys. A 20 (10), pp. 2679–2683.
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  • R. Wong and Y.-Q. Zhao (1999b) Smoothing of Stokes’s discontinuity for the generalized Bessel function. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 455, pp. 1381–1400.
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  • 13: 2.7 Differential Equations
    w 2 ( z ) = e 2 π i μ 2 w 2 ( z e 2 π i ) + C 2 w 1 ( z ) ,
    in which C 1 , C 2 are constants, the so-called Stokes multipliers. … This phenomenon is an example of resurgence, a classification due to Écalle (1981a, b). … For the calculation of Stokes multipliers see Olde Daalhuis and Olver (1995b). …
    14: Bibliography O
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  • 15: 6.12 Asymptotic Expansions
    For re-expansions of the remainder term leading to larger sectors of validity, exponential improvement, and a smooth interpretation of the Stokes phenomenon, see §§2.11(ii)2.11(iv), with p = 1 . …
    16: Bibliography H
  • C. J. Howls, P. J. Langman, and A. B. Olde Daalhuis (2004) On the higher-order Stokes phenomenon. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 460, pp. 2285–2303.
  • 17: 20 Theta Functions
    Chapter 20 Theta Functions
    18: Sidebar 9.SB1: Supernumerary Rainbows
    Airy invented his function in 1838 precisely to describe this phenomenon more accurately than Young had done in 1800 when pointing out that supernumerary rainbows require the wave theory of light and are impossible to explain with Newton’s picture of light as a stream of independent corpuscles. …
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