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Sinc function


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1: Diego Dominici
Diego was very active in the SIAM activity group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions since 2010. …
2: 3.3 Interpolation
For interpolation of a bounded function f on the cardinal function of f is defined by
3.3.43 C ( f , h ) ( x ) = k = f ( k h ) S ( k , h ) ( x ) ,
3.3.44 S ( k , h ) ( x ) = sin ( π ( x k h ) / h ) π ( x k h ) / h ,
is called the Sinc function. …
3: Bibliography G
  • W. Gautschi (1998) The incomplete gamma functions since Tricomi. In Tricomi’s Ideas and Contemporary Applied Mathematics (Rome/Turin, 1997), Atti Convegni Lincei, Vol. 147, pp. 203–237.
  • 4: 10.74 Methods of Computation
    Similar observations apply to the computation of modified Bessel functions, spherical Bessel functions, and Kelvin functions. …And since there are no error terms they could, in theory, be used for all values of z ; however, there may be severe cancellation when | z | is not large compared with n 2 . …
    §10.74(vi) Zeros and Associated Values
    5: 25.15 Dirichlet L -functions
    25.15.3 L ( s , χ ) = k s r = 1 k 1 χ ( r ) ζ ( s , r k ) ,
    25.15.10 L ( 0 , χ ) = { 1 k r = 1 k 1 r χ ( r ) , χ χ 1 , 0 , χ = χ 1 .
    6: Victor H. Moll
    He has been at Tulane since 1986. His interest in Special Functions came later. …
  • 7: 2.3 Integrals of a Real Variable
    converges for all sufficiently large x , and q ( t ) is infinitely differentiable in a neighborhood of the origin. … For the function Γ see §5.2(i). This result is probably the most frequently used method for deriving asymptotic expansions of special functions. Since q ( t ) need not be continuous (as long as the integral converges), the case of a finite integration range is included. … Another extension is to more general factors than the exponential function. …
    8: 2.5 Mellin Transform Methods
    Similarly, since h 2 ( z ) can be continued analytically to a meromorphic function (when κ = 0 ) or to an entire function (when κ 0 ), we can choose ρ so that h 2 ( z ) has no poles in 1 < z ρ < 2 . …
    9: Notices
  • Master Software Index

    In association with the DLMF we will provide an index of all software for the computation of special functions covered by the DLMF. It is our intention that this will become an exhaustive list of sources of software for special functions. In each case we will maintain a single link where readers can obtain more information about the listed software. We welcome requests from software authors (or distributors) for new items to list.

    Note that here we will only include software with capabilities that go beyond the computation of elementary functions in standard precisions since such software is nearly universal in scientific computing environments.

  • 10: 2.6 Distributional Methods
    Since the functions t s α , s = 1 , 2 , , are not locally integrable on [ 0 , ) , we cannot assign distributions to them in a similar manner. … Since the function t μ ( ln t γ ψ ( μ + 1 ) ) and all its derivatives are locally absolutely continuous in ( 0 , ) , the distributional derivatives in the first sum in (2.6.44) can be replaced by the corresponding ordinary derivatives. Furthermore, since f n , n ( n ) ( t ) = f n ( t ) , it follows from (2.6.37) that the remainder terms t μ 1 f n in the last two equations can be associated with a locally integrable function in ( 0 , ) . …