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11: 20 Theta Functions
Chapter 20 Theta Functions
12: 28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
§28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
28.16.1 λ ν ( h 2 ) 2 h 2 + 2 s h 1 8 ( s 2 + 1 ) 1 2 7 h ( s 3 + 3 s ) 1 2 12 h 2 ( 5 s 4 + 34 s 2 + 9 ) 1 2 17 h 3 ( 33 s 5 + 410 s 3 + 405 s ) 1 2 20 h 4 ( 63 s 6 + 1260 s 4 + 2943 s 2 + 486 ) 1 2 25 h 5 ( 527 s 7 + 15617 s 5 + 69001 s 3 + 41607 s ) + .
13: 10.73 Physical Applications
See Krivoshlykov (1994, Chapter 2, §2.2.10; Chapter 5, §5.2.2), Kapany and Burke (1972, Chapters 4–6; Chapter 7, §A.1), and Slater (1942, Chapter 4, §§20, 25). …
§10.73(ii) Spherical Bessel Functions
14: Bibliography O
  • K. Okamoto (1987a) Studies on the Painlevé equations. I. Sixth Painlevé equation P VI . Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 146, pp. 337–381.
  • K. Okamoto (1987b) Studies on the Painlevé equations. II. Fifth Painlevé equation P V . Japan. J. Math. (N.S.) 13 (1), pp. 47–76.
  • K. Okamoto (1987c) Studies on the Painlevé equations. IV. Third Painlevé equation P III . Funkcial. Ekvac. 30 (2-3), pp. 305–332.
  • A. B. Olde Daalhuis (2005b) Hyperasymptotics for nonlinear ODEs. II. The first Painlevé equation and a second-order Riccati equation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 461 (2062), pp. 3005–3021.
  • J. Oliver (1977) An error analysis of the modified Clenshaw method for evaluating Chebyshev and Fourier series. J. Inst. Math. Appl. 20 (3), pp. 379–391.
  • 15: Bibliography N
  • A. Nakamura (1996) Toda equation and its solutions in special functions. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 65 (6), pp. 1589–1597.
  • D. Naylor (1989) On an integral transform involving a class of Mathieu functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (6), pp. 1500–1513.
  • W. J. Nellis and B. C. Carlson (1966) Reduction and evaluation of elliptic integrals. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 223–231.
  • M. Newman (1967) Solving equations exactly. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 71B, pp. 171–179.
  • E. W. Ng and M. Geller (1969) A table of integrals of the error functions. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect B. 73B, pp. 1–20.
  • 16: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    The equation to be solved is … Sometimes the equation takes the form … … Consider x = 20 and j = 19 . We have p ( 20 ) = 19 ! and a 19 = 1 + 2 + + 20 = 210 . …
    17: 28.18 Integrals and Integral Equations
    §28.18 Integrals and Integral Equations
    18: 28.35 Tables
    §28.35 Tables
  • Ince (1932) includes eigenvalues a n , b n , and Fourier coefficients for n = 0 or 1 ( 1 ) 6 , q = 0 ( 1 ) 10 ( 2 ) 20 ( 4 ) 40 ; 7D. Also ce n ( x , q ) , se n ( x , q ) for q = 0 ( 1 ) 10 , x = 1 ( 1 ) 90 , corresponding to the eigenvalues in the tables; 5D. Notation: a n = 𝑏𝑒 n 2 q , b n = 𝑏𝑜 n 2 q .

  • Kirkpatrick (1960) contains tables of the modified functions Ce n ( x , q ) , Se n + 1 ( x , q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 5 , q = 1 ( 1 ) 20 , x = 0.1 ( .1 ) 1 ; 4D or 5D.

  • National Bureau of Standards (1967) includes the eigenvalues a n ( q ) , b n ( q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 3 with q = 0 ( .2 ) 20 ( .5 ) 37 ( 1 ) 100 , and n = 4 ( 1 ) 15 with q = 0 ( 2 ) 100 ; Fourier coefficients for ce n ( x , q ) and se n ( x , q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 , n = 1 ( 1 ) 15 , respectively, and various values of q in the interval [ 0 , 100 ] ; joining factors g e , n ( q ) , f e , n ( q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 with q = 0 ( .5  to  10 ) 100 (but in a different notation). Also, eigenvalues for large values of q . Precision is generally 8D.

  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 521–532) includes the eigenvalues a n ( q ) , b n + 1 ( q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 4 , q = 0 ( 1 ) 50 ; n = 0 ( 1 ) 20 ( a ’s) or 19 ( b ’s), q = 1 , 3 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 25 , 50 ( 50 ) 200 . Fourier coefficients for ce n ( x , 10 ) , se n + 1 ( x , 10 ) , n = 0 ( 1 ) 7 . Mathieu functions ce n ( x , 10 ) , se n + 1 ( x , 10 ) , and their first x -derivatives for n = 0 ( 1 ) 4 , x = 0 ( 5 ) 90 . Modified Mathieu functions Mc n ( j ) ( x , 10 ) , Ms n + 1 ( j ) ( x , 10 ) , and their first x -derivatives for n = 0 ( 1 ) 4 , j = 1 , 2 , x = 0 ( .2 ) 4 . Precision is mostly 9S.

  • 19: 28.1 Special Notation
    m , n integers.
    a , q , h real or complex parameters of Mathieu’s equation with q = h 2 .
    ce ν ( z , q ) , se ν ( z , q ) , fe n ( z , q ) , ge n ( z , q ) , me ν ( z , q ) ,
    The eigenvalues of Mathieu’s equation are denoted by …
    Table 28.1.1: Notations for parameters in Mathieu’s equation.
    Reference a q
    Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 20)
    20: 32.8 Rational Solutions
    §32.8(ii) Second Painlevé Equation
    §32.8(iii) Third Painlevé Equation
    §32.8(iv) Fourth Painlevé Equation
    §32.8(v) Fifth Painlevé Equation