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  • 2: 18.5 Explicit Representations
    §18.5 Explicit Representations
    For corresponding formulas for Chebyshev, Legendre, and the Hermite 𝐻𝑒 n polynomials apply (18.7.3)–(18.7.6), (18.7.9), and (18.7.11). …
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    28.8.1 a m ( h 2 ) b m + 1 ( h 2 ) } 2 h 2 + 2 s h 1 8 ( s 2 + 1 ) 1 2 7 h ( s 3 + 3 s ) 1 2 12 h 2 ( 5 s 4 + 34 s 2 + 9 ) 1 2 17 h 3 ( 33 s 5 + 410 s 3 + 405 s ) 1 2 20 h 4 ( 63 s 6 + 1260 s 4 + 2943 s 2 + 486 ) 1 2 25 h 5 ( 527 s 7 + 15617 s 5 + 69001 s 3 + 41607 s ) + .
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