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visualizations of modulus


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1: 36.3 Visualizations of Canonical Integrals
§36.3(i) Canonical Integrals: Modulus
Figure 36.3.12: Modulus of hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function | Ψ ( H ) ( x , y , 3 ) | . …
2: 36.5 Stokes Sets
The Stokes set consists of the rays ph x = ± 2 π / 3 in the complex x -plane. … For z < 0 , there are two solutions u , provided that | Y | > ( 2 5 ) 1 / 2 . … This consists of three separate cusp-edged sheets connected to the cusp-edged sheets of the bifurcation set, and related by rotation about the z -axis by 2 π / 3 . …
§36.5(iv) Visualizations
See accompanying text
Figure 36.5.9: Sheets of the Stokes surface for the hyperbolic umbilic catastrophe (colored and with mesh) and the bifurcation set (gray). Magnify
3: 9.9 Zeros
They lie in the sectors 1 3 π < ph z < 1 2 π and 1 2 π < ph z < 1 3 π , and are denoted by β k , β k , respectively, in the former sector, and by β k ¯ , β k ¯ , in the conjugate sector, again arranged in ascending order of absolute value (modulus) for k = 1 , 2 , . See §9.3(ii) for visualizations. …
4: 28.33 Physical Applications
with W ( x , y , t ) = e i ω t V ( x , y ) , reduces to (28.32.2) with k 2 = ω 2 ρ / τ . …If we denote the positive solutions q of (28.33.3) by q n , m , then the vibration of the membrane is given by ω n , m 2 = 4 q n , m τ / ( c 2 ρ ) . … For a visualization see Gutiérrez-Vega et al. (2003), and for references to other boundary-value problems see: … Substituting z = ω t , a = b / ω 2 , and 2 q = f / ω 2 , we obtain Mathieu’s standard form (28.2.1). As ω runs from 0 to + , with b and f fixed, the point ( q , a ) moves from to 0 along the ray given by the part of the line a = ( 2 b / f ) q that lies in the first quadrant of the ( q , a ) -plane. …
5: Errata
  • Figures 36.3.9, 36.3.10, 36.3.11, 36.3.12

    Scales were corrected in all figures. The interval 8.4 x y 2 8.4 was replaced by 12.0 x y 2 12.0 and 12.7 x + y 2 4.2 replaced by 18.0 x + y 2 6.0 . All plots and interactive visualizations were regenerated to improve image quality.

    See accompanying text See accompanying text
    (a) Density plot. (b) 3D plot.

    Figure 36.3.9: Modulus of hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function | Ψ ( H ) ( x , y , 0 ) | .

    See accompanying text See accompanying text
    (a) Density plot. (b) 3D plot.

    Figure 36.3.10: Modulus of hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function | Ψ ( H ) ( x , y , 1 ) | .

    See accompanying text See accompanying text
    (a) Density plot. (b) 3D plot.

    Figure 36.3.11: Modulus of hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function | Ψ ( H ) ( x , y , 2 ) | .

    See accompanying text See accompanying text
    (a) Density plot. (b) 3D plot.

    Figure 36.3.12: Modulus of hyperbolic umbilic canonical integral function | Ψ ( H ) ( x , y , 3 ) | .

    Reported 2016-09-12 by Dan Piponi.

  • 6: About Color Map
    Surface visualizations in the DLMF represent functions of the form z = f ( x , y ) by the height z or the magnitude, | z | , for complex functions, over the x × y plane. … In doing this, however, we would like to place the mathematically significant phase values, specifically the multiples of π / 2 correponding to the real and imaginary axes, at more immediately recognizable colors. … We therefore use a piecewise linear mapping as illustrated below, that takes phase 0 to red, π / 2 to yellow, π to cyan and 3 π / 2 to blue. …