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triangle conditions


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1: 34.10 Zeros
In a 3 j symbol, if the three angular momenta j 1 , j 2 , j 3 do not satisfy the triangle conditions (34.2.1), or if the projective quantum numbers do not satisfy (34.2.3), then the 3 j symbol is zero. Similarly the 6 j symbol (34.4.1) vanishes when the triangle conditions are not satisfied by any of the four 3 j symbols in the summation. …However, the 3 j and 6 j symbols may vanish for certain combinations of the angular momenta and projective quantum numbers even when the triangle conditions are fulfilled. …
2: 34.2 Definition: 3 j Symbol
They therefore satisfy the triangle conditions
3: 34.3 Basic Properties: 3 j Symbol
Then assuming the triangle conditions are satisfied … Again it is assumed that in (34.3.7) the triangle conditions are satisfied. … In the following three equations it is assumed that the triangle conditions are satisfied by each 3 j symbol. …
4: 34.5 Basic Properties: 6 j Symbol
In the following equation it is assumed that the triangle conditions are satisfied. …
5: 18.37 Classical OP’s in Two or More Variables
The following three conditions, taken together, determine R m , n ( α ) ( z ) uniquely: …
§18.37(ii) OP’s on the Triangle
Definition in Terms of Jacobi Polynomials
18.37.7 P m , n α , β , γ ( x , y ) = P m n ( α , β + γ + 2 n + 1 ) ( 2 x 1 ) x n P n ( β , γ ) ( 2 x 1 y 1 ) , m n 0 , α , β , γ > 1 .
18.37.8 0 < y < x < 1 P m , n α , β , γ ( x , y ) P j , α , β , γ ( x , y ) ( 1 x ) α ( x y ) β y γ d x d y = 0 , m j and/or n .
6: 28.29 Definitions and Basic Properties
Given λ together with the condition (28.29.6), the solutions ± ν of (28.29.9) are the characteristic exponents of (28.29.1). … For a given ν , the characteristic equation ( λ ) 2 cos ( π ν ) = 0 has infinitely many roots λ . Conversely, for a given λ , the value of ( λ ) is needed for the computation of ν . …
28.29.16 λ n , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , ,  with  ( λ n ) = 2 ,
28.29.17 μ n , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , ,  with  ( μ n ) = 2 .
7: 10.22 Integrals
(Thus if a , b , c are the sides of a triangle, then A 1 2 is the area of the triangle.) … Sufficient conditions for the validity of (10.22.77) are that 0 | f ( x ) | d x < when ν 1 2 , or that 0 | f ( x ) | d x < and 0 1 x ν + 1 2 | f ( x ) | d x < when 1 < ν < 1 2 ; see Titchmarsh (1986a, Theorem 135, Chapter 8) and Akhiezer (1988, p. 62). … A sufficient condition for the validity is a | f ( y ) | d y < . …Sufficient conditions for the validity of (10.22.79) are that 0 | f ( x ) | d x < when 0 < ν 1 2 , or that 0 | f ( x ) | d x < and 0 1 x 1 2 ν | f ( x ) | d x < when 1 2 < ν < 1 ; see Titchmarsh (1962a, pp. 88–90). …
8: Bibliography G
  • W. Gautschi (1984) Questions of Numerical Condition Related to Polynomials. In Studies in Numerical Analysis, G. H. Golub (Ed.), pp. 140–177.
  • A. Gervois and H. Navelet (1984) Some integrals involving three Bessel functions when their arguments satisfy the triangle inequalities. J. Math. Phys. 25 (11), pp. 3350–3356.