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1: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
A nonzero normalized binary floating-point machine number x is represented as …where s is equal to 1 or 0 , each b j , j 1 , is either 0 or 1 , b 1 is the most significant bit, p ( ) is the number of significant bits b j , b p 1 is the least significant bit, E is an integer called the exponent, b 0 . b 1 b 2 b p 1 is the significand, and f = . b 1 b 2 b p 1 is the fractional part. …
3.1.2 ( 1 ) s 2 E j = 0 p 1 b j 2 j ,
For given values of E min , E max , and p , the format width in bits N of a computer word is the total number of bits: the sign (one bit), the significant bits b 1 , b 2 , , b p 1 ( p 1 bits), and the bits allocated to the exponent (the remaining N p bits). …
3.1.4 x = ( 1 . b 1 b 2 b p 1 b p b p + 1 ) 2 E ,
2: 19.38 Approximations
The accuracy is controlled by the number of terms retained in the approximation; for real variables the number of significant figures appears to be roughly twice the number of terms retained, perhaps even for ϕ near π / 2 with the improvements made in the 1970 reference. …
3: 6.16 Mathematical Applications
§6.16(ii) Number-Theoretic Significance of li ( x )
4: Richard A. Askey
Another significant contribution was the Askey-Gasper inequality for Jacobi polynomials which was published in Positive Jacobi polynomial sums. II (with G. …
5: About Color Map
In doing this, however, we would like to place the mathematically significant phase values, specifically the multiples of π / 2 correponding to the real and imaginary axes, at more immediately recognizable colors. …
6: 19.36 Methods of Computation
If (19.25.9) is used when 0 k 2 1 , cancellations may lead to loss of significant figures when k 2 is close to 1 and ϕ > π / 4 , as shown by Reinsch and Raab (2000). … E ( ϕ , k ) can be evaluated by using (19.25.7), and R D by using (19.21.10), but cancellations may become significant. … Near these points there will be loss of significant figures in the computation of R J or R D . … This method loses significant figures in ρ if α 2 and k 2 are nearly equal unless they are given exact values—as they can be for tables. …
7: Mathematical Introduction
( a , b ] or [ a , b ) half-closed intervals.
S significant figures.
05, and the corresponding function values are tabulated to 8 decimal places or 8 significant figures. …
8: DLMF Project News
error generating summary
9: 2.11 Remainder Terms; Stokes Phenomenon
If the results agree within S significant figures, then it is likely—but not certain—that the truncated asymptotic series will yield at least S correct significant figures for larger values of x . … In effect, (2.11.7) “corrects” (2.11.6) by introducing a term that is relatively exponentially small in the neighborhood of ph z = π , is increasingly significant as ph z passes from π to 3 2 π , and becomes the dominant contribution after ph z passes 3 2 π . …
10: Software Index
The following are web-based software repositories with significant holdings in the area of special functions. …