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power-series expansions in ϵ


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11: 14.32 Methods of Computation
In particular, for small or moderate values of the parameters μ and ν the power-series expansions of the various hypergeometric function representations given in §§14.3(i)14.3(iii), 14.19(ii), and 14.20(i) can be selected in such a way that convergence is stable, and reasonably rapid, especially when the argument of the functions is real. …
12: 19.19 Taylor and Related Series
§19.19 Taylor and Related Series
The following two multivariate hypergeometric series apply to each of the integrals (19.16.14)–(19.16.18) and (19.16.20)–(19.16.23): … If n = 2 , then (19.19.3) is a Gauss hypergeometric series (see (19.25.43) and (15.2.1)). … Then T N has at most one term if N 5 in the series for R F . …
13: 16.5 Integral Representations and Integrals
In this event, the formal power-series expansion of the left-hand side (obtained from (16.2.1)) is the asymptotic expansion of the right-hand side as z 0 in the sector | ph ( z ) | ( p + 1 q δ ) π / 2 , where δ is an arbitrary small positive constant. …
14: 3.10 Continued Fractions
We say that it is associated with the formal power series f ( z ) in (3.10.7) if the expansion of its n th convergent C n in ascending powers of z , agrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in z 2 n 1 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . …
15: 33.23 Methods of Computation
Thus the regular solutions can be computed from the power-series expansions (§§33.6, 33.19) for small values of the radii and then integrated in the direction of increasing values of the radii. …
16: 16.25 Methods of Computation
Methods for computing the functions of the present chapter include power series, asymptotic expansions, integral representations, differential equations, and recurrence relations. They are similar to those described for confluent hypergeometric functions, and hypergeometric functions in §§13.29 and 15.19. There is, however, an added feature in the numerical solution of differential equations and difference equations (recurrence relations). This occurs when the wanted solution is intermediate in asymptotic growth compared with other solutions. In these cases integration, or recurrence, in either a forward or a backward direction is unstable. …
17: 28.34 Methods of Computation
  • (a)

    Summation of the power series in §§28.6(i) and 28.15(i) when | q | is small.

  • (a)

    Summation of the power series in §§28.6(ii) and 28.15(ii) when | q | is small.

  • (b)

    Use of asymptotic expansions and approximations for large q (§§28.8(ii)28.8(iv)).

  • (a)

    Numerical summation of the expansions in series of Bessel functions (28.24.1)–(28.24.13). These series converge quite rapidly for a wide range of values of q and z .

  • (c)

    Use of asymptotic expansions for large z or large q . See §§28.25 and 28.26.

  • 18: 12.15 Generalized Parabolic Cylinder Functions
    This equation arises in the study of non-self-adjoint elliptic boundary-value problems involving an indefinite weight function. See Faierman (1992) for power series and asymptotic expansions of a solution of (12.15.1).
    19: 20.6 Power Series
    §20.6 Power Series
    where z m , n is given by (20.2.5) and the minimum is for m , n , except m = n = 0 . …In the double series the order of summation is important only when j = 1 . For further information on δ 2 j see §23.9: since the double sums in (20.6.6) and (23.9.1) are the same, we have δ 2 n = c n / ( 2 n 1 ) when n 2 .
    20: 8.21 Generalized Sine and Cosine Integrals
    §8.21(vi) Series Expansions
    Power-Series Expansions
    Spherical-Bessel-Function Expansions
    For (8.21.16), (8.21.17), and further expansions in series of Bessel functions see Luke (1969b, pp. 56–57). …
    §8.21(viii) Asymptotic Expansions