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power-series expansions in ρ


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1: 33.6 Power-Series Expansions in ρ
§33.6 Power-Series Expansions in ρ
2: 28.6 Expansions for Small q
§28.6(i) Eigenvalues
Leading terms of the of the power series for m = 7 , 8 , 9 , are: … Numerical values of the radii of convergence ρ n ( j ) of the power series (28.6.1)–(28.6.14) for n = 0 , 1 , , 9 are given in Table 28.6.1. …
§28.6(ii) Functions ce n and se n
Leading terms of the power series for the normalized functions are: …
3: 33.23 Methods of Computation
The power-series expansions of §§33.6 and 33.19 converge for all finite values of the radii ρ and r , respectively, and may be used to compute the regular and irregular solutions. Cancellation errors increase with increases in ρ and | r | , and may be estimated by comparing the final sum of the series with the largest partial sum. … Thus the regular solutions can be computed from the power-series expansions (§§33.6, 33.19) for small values of the radii and then integrated in the direction of increasing values of the radii. … Thompson and Barnett (1985, 1986) and Thompson (2004) use combinations of series, continued fractions, and Padé-accelerated asymptotic expansions3.11(iv)) for the analytic continuations of Coulomb functions. Noble (2004) obtains double-precision accuracy for W η , μ ( 2 ρ ) for a wide range of parameters using a combination of recurrence techniques, power-series expansions, and numerical quadrature; compare (33.2.7). …
4: 12.14 The Function W ( a , x )
§12.14(v) Power-Series Expansions
In the following expansions, obtained from Olver (1959), μ is large and positive, and δ is again an arbitrary small positive constant.
Positive a , 2 a < x <
The expansions for the derivatives corresponding to (12.14.25), (12.14.26), and (12.14.31) may be obtained by formal term-by-term differentiation with respect to t ; compare the analogous results in §§12.10(ii)12.10(v).
Airy-type Uniform Expansions
5: 19.36 Methods of Computation
The incomplete integrals R F ( x , y , z ) and R G ( x , y , z ) can be computed by successive transformations in which two of the three variables converge quadratically to a common value and the integrals reduce to R C , accompanied by two quadratically convergent series in the case of R G ; compare Carlson (1965, §§5,6). … If the iteration of (19.36.6) and (19.36.12) is stopped when c s < r t s ( M and T being approximated by a s and t s , and the infinite series being truncated), then the relative error in R F and R G is less than r if we neglect terms of order r 2 . … This method loses significant figures in ρ if α 2 and k 2 are nearly equal unless they are given exact values—as they can be for tables. … For series expansions of Legendre’s integrals see §19.5. Faster convergence of power series for K ( k ) and E ( k ) can be achieved by using (19.5.1) and (19.5.2) in the right-hand sides of (19.8.12). …
6: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
§1.9(v) Infinite Sequences and Series
§1.9(vi) Power Series
Lastly, a power series can be differentiated any number of times within its circle of convergence: …
7: 3.10 Continued Fractions
§3.10(ii) Relations to Power Series
We say that it corresponds to the formal power series …if the expansion of its n th convergent C n in ascending powers of z agrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in z n 1 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . … For several special functions the S -fractions are known explicitly, but in any case the coefficients a n can always be calculated from the power-series coefficients by means of the quotient-difference algorithm; see Table 3.10.1. … We say that it is associated with the formal power series f ( z ) in (3.10.7) if the expansion of its n th convergent C n in ascending powers of z , agrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in z 2 n 1 , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . …