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discrete analog


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1: 20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
§20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
It is a discrete analog of theta functions. If both m , n are positive, then G ( m , n ) allows inversion of its arguments as a modular transformation (compare (23.15.3) and (23.15.4)): …This is the discrete analog of the Poisson identity (§1.8(iv)). …
2: 11.8 Analogs to Kelvin Functions
§11.8 Analogs to Kelvin Functions
3: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
The analogous orthonormality is …
§1.18(v) Point Spectra and Eigenfunction Expansions
The analog of (1.18.34) is … The analogs of (1.18.49)–(1.18.52) may be written in a similar fashion each now including contributions from both the discrete and continuous parts of the spectrum, as in (1.18.65). …
4: 28.27 Addition Theorems
They are analogous to the addition theorems for Bessel functions (§10.23(ii)) and modified Bessel functions (§10.44(ii)). …
5: Alexander I. Bobenko
 Eitner), published by Springer in 2000, and Discrete Differential Geometry: Integrable Structure (with Y. …He is also coeditor of Discrete Integrable Geometry and Physics (with R.  Seiler), published by Oxford University Press in 1999, and Discrete Differential Geometry (with P. …
6: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
However, in the remainder of this section will will assume that the spectrum is discrete, and that the eigenfunctions of form a discrete, normed, and complete basis for a Hilbert space. … The spectrum is entirely discrete as in §1.18(v). … The spectrum is entirely discrete as in §1.18(v). … Analogous to (18.39.7) the 3D Schrödinger operator is … Analogous to (18.39.8) the 3D time-independent Schrödinger equation with potential V ( r ) is …
7: Sidebar 5.SB1: Gamma & Digamma Phase Plots
This pattern is analogous to one that would be seen in fluid flow generated by a semi-infinite line of vortices. … The fluid flow analogy in this case involves a line of vortices of alternating sign of circulation, resulting in a near cancellation of flow far from the real axis.
8: Vadim B. Kuznetsov
Kuznetsov published papers on special functions and orthogonal polynomials, the quantum scattering method, integrable discrete many-body systems, separation of variables, Bäcklund transformation techniques, and integrability in classical and quantum mechanics. …
9: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
Quadrature “Extended” to Pseudo-Spectral (DVR) Representations of Operators in One and Many Dimensions
The basic ideas of Gaussian quadrature, and their extensions to non-classical weight functions, and the computation of the corresponding quadrature abscissas and weights, have led to discrete variable representations, or DVRs, of Sturm–Liouville and other differential operators. … Hermite polynomials (and their Freud-weight analogs18.32)) play an important role in random matrix theory. …
10: 17.17 Physical Applications
They were given this name because they play a role in quantum physics analogous to the role of Lie groups and special functions in classical mechanics. …