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11: 31.7 Relations to Other Functions
They are analogous to quadratic and cubic hypergeometric transformations (§§15.8(iii)15.8(v)). …
12: Bibliography R
  • W. H. Reid (1997a) Integral representations for products of Airy functions. II. Cubic products. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 48 (4), pp. 646–655.
  • 13: Bibliography W
  • G. N. Watson (1910) The cubic transformation of the hypergeometric function. Quart. J. Pure and Applied Math. 41, pp. 70–79.
  • 14: 23.3 Differential Equations
    The lattice roots satisfy the cubic equation …
    15: 23.22 Methods of Computation
  • (a)

    In the general case, given by c d 0 , we compute the roots α , β , γ , say, of the cubic equation 4 t 3 c t d = 0 ; see §1.11(iii). These roots are necessarily distinct and represent e 1 , e 2 , e 3 in some order.

    If c and d are real, and the discriminant is positive, that is c 3 27 d 2 > 0 , then e 1 , e 2 , e 3 can be identified via (23.5.1), and k 2 , k 2 obtained from (23.6.16).

    If c 3 27 d 2 < 0 , or c and d are not both real, then we label α , β , γ so that the triangle with vertices α , β , γ is positively oriented and [ α , γ ] is its longest side (chosen arbitrarily if there is more than one). In particular, if α , β , γ are collinear, then we label them so that β is on the line segment ( α , γ ) . In consequence, k 2 = ( β γ ) / ( α γ ) , k 2 = ( α β ) / ( α γ ) satisfy k 2 0 k 2 (with strict inequality unless α , β , γ are collinear); also | k 2 | , | k 2 | 1 .

    Finally, on taking the principal square roots of k 2 and k 2 we obtain values for k and k that lie in the 1st and 4th quadrants, respectively, and 2 ω 1 , 2 ω 3 are given by

    23.22.1 2 ω 1 M ( 1 , k ) = 2 i ω 3 M ( 1 , k ) = π 3 c ( 2 + k 2 k 2 ) ( k 2 k 2 ) d ( 1 k 2 k 2 ) ,

    where M denotes the arithmetic-geometric mean (see §§19.8(i) and 22.20(ii)). This process yields 2 possible pairs ( 2 ω 1 , 2 ω 3 ), corresponding to the 2 possible choices of the square root.

  • 16: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
    A cubic Bézier curve is defined by four points. …The curve is described by x ( t ) and y ( t ) , which are cubic polynomials with t [ 0 , 1 ] . …
    17: 3.4 Differentiation
    For additional formulas involving values of 2 u and 4 u on square, triangular, and cubic grids, see Collatz (1960, Table VI, pp. 542–546). …
    18: Bibliography B
  • J. M. Borwein and P. B. Borwein (1991) A cubic counterpart of Jacobi’s identity and the AGM. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 323 (2), pp. 691–701.
  • 19: Bibliography C
  • H. H. Chan (1998) On Ramanujan’s cubic transformation formula for F 1 2 ( 1 3 , 2 3 ; 1 ; z ) . Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 124 (2), pp. 193–204.
  • 20: 19.2 Definitions
    Let s 2 ( t ) be a cubic or quartic polynomial in t with simple zeros, and let r ( s , t ) be a rational function of s and t containing at least one odd power of s . …