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1: Bibliography K
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  • 2: 3.4 Differentiation
    If f can be extended analytically into the complex plane, then from Cauchy’s integral formula (§1.9(iii)) …where C is a simple closed contour described in the positive rotational sense such that C and its interior lie in the domain of analyticity of f , and x 0 is interior to C . …The integral on the right-hand side can be approximated by the composite trapezoidal rule (3.5.2). … The integral (3.4.18) becomes …As explained in §§3.5(i) and 3.5(ix) the composite trapezoidal rule can be very efficient for computing integrals with analytic periodic integrands. …
    3: Bibliography S
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  • 5: Bibliography F
  • FDLIBM (free C library)
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