asymptotic solutions of differential equations
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1: T. Mark Dunster
►He has received a number of National Science Foundation grants, and has published numerous papers in the areas of uniform asymptotic solutions of differential equations, convergent WKB methods, special functions, quantum mechanics, and scattering theory.
2: 13.27 Mathematical Applications
3: 10.72 Mathematical Applications
§10.72(i) Differential Equations with Turning Points
►Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions are often used as approximants in the construction of uniform asymptotic approximations and expansions for solutions of linear second-order differential equations containing a parameter. … ►4: 2.7 Differential Equations
§2.7(ii) Irregular Singularities of Rank 1
… ►Note that the coefficients in the expansions (2.7.12), (2.7.13) for the “late” coefficients, that is, , with large, are the “early” coefficients , with small. …See §2.11(v) for other examples. … ►§2.7(iii) Liouville–Green (WKBJ) Approximation
… ►§2.7(iv) Numerically Satisfactory Solutions
…5: 2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
§2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
►§2.8(i) Classification of Cases
… ►Zeros of are also called turning points. … ►§2.8(vi) Coalescing Transition Points
… ►6: Bibliography O
Exponentially improved asymptotic solutions of ordinary differential equations. II Irregular singularities of rank one.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 445, pp. 39–56.
Exponentially-improved asymptotic solutions of ordinary differential equations I: The confluent hypergeometric function.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24 (3), pp. 756–767.
Asymptotic expansions of the coefficients in asymptotic series solutions of linear differential equations.
Methods Appl. Anal. 1 (1), pp. 1–13.
Asymptotic solutions of linear ordinary differential equations at an irregular singularity of rank unity.
Methods Appl. Anal. 4 (4), pp. 375–403.
On the uniqueness of asymptotic solutions of linear differential equations.
Methods Appl. Anal. 6 (2), pp. 165–174.
7: Frank W. J. Olver
►He is particularly known for his extensive work in the study of the asymptotic solution of differential equations, i.
8: Bibliography N
Uniform Asymptotic Approximations of Solutions of Second-order Linear Differential Equations, with a Coalescing Simple Turning Point and Simple Pole.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Tables of Generalized Airy Functions for the Asymptotic Solution of the Differential Equations
Pergamon Press, Oxford.
9: Bibliography S
Error bounds for asymptotic solutions of differential equations. I. The distinct eigenvalue case.
J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 70B, pp. 167–186.
Error bounds for asymptotic solutions of differential equations. II. The general case.
J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 70B, pp. 187–210.
10: Bibliography D
Uniform asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having a double pole with complex exponent and a coalescing turning point.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (6), pp. 1594–1618.
Uniform asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having a simple pole and a coalescing turning point in the complex plane.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (2), pp. 322–353.
Asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having almost coalescent turning points, with an application to the incomplete gamma function.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 452, pp. 1331–1349.
Error bounds for exponentially improved asymptotic solutions of ordinary differential equations having irregular singularities of rank one.
Methods Appl. Anal. 3 (1), pp. 109–134.