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Picard theorem


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21—30 of 121 matching pages

21: 23.23 Tables
05, and in the case of ( z ) the user may deduce values for complex z by application of the addition theorem (23.10.1). …
22: 27.11 Asymptotic Formulas: Partial Sums
where ( h , k ) = 1 , k > 0 . Letting x in (27.11.9) or in (27.11.11) we see that there are infinitely many primes p h ( mod k ) if h , k are coprime; this is Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions. …
27.11.15 lim x n x μ ( n ) ln n n = 1 .
Each of (27.11.13)–(27.11.15) is equivalent to the prime number theorem (27.2.3). The prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions—an extension of (27.2.3) and first proved in de la Vallée Poussin (1896a, b)—states that if ( h , k ) = 1 , then the number of primes p x with p h ( mod k ) is asymptotic to x / ( ϕ ( k ) ln x ) as x .
23: 27.12 Asymptotic Formulas: Primes
Prime Number Theorem
24: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
Mean Value Theorem
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
First Mean Value Theorem
Second Mean Value Theorem
§1.4(vi) Taylor’s Theorem for Real Variables
25: 35.2 Laplace Transform
Convolution Theorem
26: 24.10 Arithmetic Properties
§24.10(i) Von Staudt–Clausen Theorem
27: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
Green’s Theorem
Stokes’s Theorem
Gauss’s (or Divergence) Theorem
Green’s Theorem (for Volume)
28: 14.18 Sums
§14.18(i) Expansion Theorem
§14.18(ii) Addition Theorems
29: 23.20 Mathematical Applications
§23.20(ii) Elliptic Curves
The geometric nature of this construction is illustrated in McKean and Moll (1999, §2.14), Koblitz (1993, §§6, 7), and Silverman and Tate (1992, Chapter 1, §§3, 4): each of these references makes a connection with the addition theorem (23.10.1). … K always has the form T × r (Mordell’s Theorem: Silverman and Tate (1992, Chapter 3, §5)); the determination of r , the rank of K , raises questions of great difficulty, many of which are still open. …
30: 1.12 Continued Fractions
Pringsheim’s Theorem
Van Vleck’s Theorem